Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 379: Did It Really Explode?

“Three, two, one… jump!” Ryan doesn’t hesitate when they are about to rush forward toward them. He grabs Jamie’s hand and jumps into the sea below.

Those men in black didn’t expect them to jump in and hesitate before jumping in to look for them.

It was at this moment!

“Boss, someone placed a bomb here!” There is a flurry of activities on the boat as the man completes his sentence.

Boom, boom, boom…

Three loud explosions ring out from the bow, midship and stern. In an instant, the boat was destroyed. The sea is littered with patches of fire.

The men who were still on the boat have nowhere to escape.

Jamie struggles to stay afloat and keep her head above the water. She heard the explosions when her head was underwater and when she came up, the boat was totally gone.

It… it exploded?!

Jamie couldn’t believe that the boat just exploded. Did those on the helicopter do it?

It became clearer when she thinks of it that way.

She feels that something isn’t right and wants to think about it but the bone-chilling cold seawater engulfed her and she is cold and numb. She is also struggling to prevent the seawater from going into her nose and mouth. She continues to struggle to keep her head out of the water.

At this moment, she is very thankful to Dan who forced her to learn to swim. Otherwise, she would have drowned now.

Hang on, where’s Ryan?

endures the icy cold water and looks around. Finally, she sees a

swim over but the wind is strong and

was engulfed in water. She struggles for several seconds before breaking the surface and she takes big

same direction, she can no

The waves cover her head relentlessly and she feels like she is being pushed farther and farther away. She can

and stiff. She cannot move them anymore as if her limbs have frozen up. She is unable

to die here

seawater gets to her mouth and nose, she does not have an ounce of energy to swim. She couldn’t even feel the icy cold water.

She is numb.


voice. But she doesn’t have any energy to confirm. Her final

slips into the water like being swallowed by death.

Dan jumps into the water and swims towards the destroyed boat. He is a

The helicopter’s searchlight is on Dan and Bunny is


I’ll call the Coast Guards of C country to assist.” The pilot is at a loss at the turn of events and was moved by Dan jumping into the water.

the relationship journey of

touched by such a tragic scene.

must love Missus

a deep breath and composes himself. He takes out his phone and calls Night. 7 for her to

7 hangs up the phone, she didn’t dare to delay and immediately

someone appears in front of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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