Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 434:Adolescent Years Are Full Of His Name

“Oh!” his sigh seems a bit tired, then he looks at Wendy deeply and straightens up with walking outside, “I have to go now, you should go to bed right now if you do not want to be late for the first class of that old lady tomorrow morning.”

Before he steps out of the door, he turned his head back and sees her again with a reluctant to leave in heart, "Good night!

"Good night!” Wendy feels there seems something wrong with Eddie Charlies today, but she can’t tell herself very clearly what's going on with Eddie, after hearing his “Good night”, Wendy doesn’t think too much, she starts to wash and then goes to her warm bed.

But Eddie stands in front her house to midnight, when he sees the lights in Wendy's house goes out. Eddie begins to walk away slowly.

When Wendy waits for Eddie to pick up her after picking up things and breakfast as he told, she finds that Eddie has broken his words.

Wendy keeps waiting for Eddie at the door though it has been long past the time for class now, the housekeeper who is on his way back from the supermarket feels very strange when he sees Wendy doesn’t go to school, and Wendy answered nothing when the housekeeper asks her why, she just stands there.

She dares not to go away because she is afraid that Eddie will appear the moment she leaves

After 2 hours, her parents struggle to pull her into the house, and ask a leave from her teachers, her parents think she is ill today and ask her to have a rest upstairs.

But Wendy stops suddenly, she says loudly, “I will go to school”, then she rushes out of the house.

“Maybe a driver should send her to school,” Wendy’s mother says with disappointment.

Wendy can’t care so much, but on her half way to school, she stops a taxi and tells the driver to go to Eddie’s home.

Eddie’s house is very quiet with door closed. It seems that there is nobody lives here. Wendy rings the door bell after taking a deep breath.

“Hello! This is Eddie’s home! ” the housekeeper Amy says very politely with his face appearing on the dialogue screen in the door.

“Hello, Amy, this is Wendy, may I speak to Eddie? I have been waiting for him for a very long time today. He promised to me that he will pick me up, but he breaks his words. Has he gone to school now?”

It’s too disappointing if it is true.

it seems that

while she slowly says to Wendy,

and waits so

now. He takes

a thunder , which shocked Wendy heavily, and then Wendy get so angry that there

been abroad now?” Wendy struggles to say these 5 words with

seems to be afraid of seeing Wendy’s angry eyes, because Eddie has told her not to say something to Wendy, “Miss

Amy says bye to Wendy, Wendy’s pale but smile face becomes very dull and disappointed before

is so sad, if someone wants to describe her sadness, he just needs imagine how a man will feel when

Eddie as a very good friend, but he leaves without any notice at this moment, Wendy is wondering whether Eddie has regarded her as

I am really foolish, I shouldn’t have treated you as my good friend” Wendy becomes so angry

herself that she should just forget

once told Wendy to take good care of herself and they can be friends forever, but now these words seems all

an absolutely liar!” Wendy tells

very much, if not so, she would not be so

her head down, but she doesn’t know that someone has been standing in the balcony of third floor in Eddie’s house, and


so fast, five years is not a very long time, but also is not a very short time. To Wendy, the five

parents took her into the company immediately the moment she graduated from university so that Wendy can get familiar with the company affairs

very special day due

a name that has


a simple two words, but just the two words can make Wendy’s heart

every month, there is an open kitchen in that room, she will make people prepare food materials in advance and then she will enjoy her dinner in

is very strange

to this hope for 5 years although Wendy’s heart has become so tired because

comes to Xi Garden in 20th day of every month, he always drinks a lot of strong

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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