Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 442: Why Don’t You Remember Me?

When he recalls what Wendy said last night, Eddie’s heart is more relieved. He looks at Wendy and hears Wendy say, “Sir, who are you?”

Sir, who are you?

Eddie just relaxes his heart and immediately he tensed up again. He feels her words burning him to a crisp and doesn’t know how to respond.

Last night she was pulling him and calling him uncle, remembering how he looks like. How is it that in one night she has forgotten about him?

Eddie is depressed. But it doesn’t seem that Wendy is lying and is very serious when she asked him. Immediately he is even more depressed.

He hasn’t changed that much. Why didn’t she recognize him?

She is much more adorable when she is drunk.

“I am Eddie.” Eddie purses the corner of his mouth and looks sad, “Don’t you remember me?”

“Eddie?” Wendy looks dazed.

Not only do we know each other, but I also used to climb up to your window sill almost every day!

Eddie couldn’t believe it, but Wendy’s expression is indeed very pure and didn’t look like she is making it up. But he is still suspecting that she is making it up. He is hoping that she is fooling him.

“Last time we used to play together…” Eddie cautiously describes the past.

Wendy nods, “Oh, are you lending me these clothes? Her body reeks of alcohol. If you don’t mind, let me use your bathroom.”

“… help yourself.” Eddie looks at Wendy picks up the clothes and went into the bathroom. From beginning to the end, she didn’t look at him once. His frustrations turn into bitters.

After all these years of not seeing each other, it should be natural that she doesn’t recognize him.

years, how can she remember how he looks like? Perhaps she

when he left it was because Wendy liked someone else. He was only licking his

and selects a small

go out. She stands by the mirror to tie her hair. She looks at herself from the left and right and

she sees Eddie waiting for her as soon as she opens the door.

him to suffer. All

Eddie stands up as he sees her already dressed up

nods and follows him closely

had already prepared lunch and the food is already in the dining room waiting for them. The spread

thanks.” Wendy sees the table

How come Wendy isn’t that excited when she

on, she still

you remember Brenda but not

“Wendy doesn’t remember master? Last time

troubled and ponders carefully and then says, “Maybe it’s too long ago and it’s not a particularly important person,

a particularly …. Important


most to her front. “Come, Wendy,

I won’t hold back.” Wendy picked up the chopsticks and started to eat without asking

Eddie didn’t mind. He sits opposite her and starts to

relationship with her and tries to make her remember

Wendy to dodge away? She seems to despise him serving the eggplant and says, “Who said that I like these? I don’t like them

message in this but

can’t remember what she had

but she didn’t touch the plate of

he likes. She wants so much to eat the eggplant but she has to continue with her

she’ll never forget

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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