Daddy! Mommy Is Pregnant Again

Chapter 167 The Truth About the Car Accident

Stanley paused and turned his head violently, "Intentional?"

"Yes." Fraser nodded.

Stanley's face sank, "Violet was next to him when George had a car accident. Could it be that the person was the one who wanted to kill Violet twice before?"

"Mr. Murphy, you guessed wrong this time." Fraser pushed his glasses and smiled.

Stanley stared at Fraser, "Say!"

Fraser touched the tip of his nose. Originally, he wanted to let Mr. Murphy guess it. Now being stared at by Mr. Murphy like this, he didn't dare to play any tricks. After clearing his throat, he seriously replied, "This car accident was planned by Dr. Joe himself. "

"What?" Stanley was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Himself?"

"Yes, I caught the driver who caused the accident based on the monitoring of that section of the road. According to the driver's disclosure, he did this after receiving Dr. Joe's money." Fraser replied.

Stanley narrowed his eyes, "What's the reason?"

"It's for Violet." Fraser lowered his voice, "You also know that Dr. Joe has that kind of feelings for Violet, but Violet doesn't like him. She likes you. Then he became anxious, so he planned this car accident and wanted to have a car accident in front of Violet. In that case, he could make Violet feel guilty towards him, thus..."

"I see." Stanley interrupted Fraser.

George deliberately wanted Violet to think it was her that caused him to have the car accident.

In this way, she would feel guilty for George. Then George could use this guilt to ask her to be with him. Such a trick!

"When he did this, he was not afraid to die on the spot?" Stanley squinted and sneered.

Fraser looked serious, "Speaking of which, Dr. Joe really shouldn't have been injured so badly."

"Huh?" Stanley looked at him.

Fraser frowned and said, "The driver said that Dr. Joe only asked him to smash Dr. Joe into a minor injury, but he didn't know why when he crashed, the brakes suddenly got out of control. That's why Dr. Joe became so miserable."

"The brakes were out of control?" Stanley felt a little confused, "Is it an accident?"

brakes of that car. It doesn't seem to have been

sneered, "But he's not dead. It's a mixed

nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Do you want to tell Violet

"No, Violet won't believe it even if I tell her. In her eyes, George is a gentle and innocent doctor, not someone who can do these things. Even if the driver who caused the accident is a witness, it's useless. She would think that it’s us who ask the driver to say that, not to

knew the true face of George, she would not necessarily continue to

to help Jessie and let Jessie take the initiative to

didn't know what Stanley was thinking. He touched his chin, a little unwilling, "Is it just hiding from Violet like

you to check the information about George. How

shook his head, "He is quite mysterious. What I can find is his rich resume, and the information specifically for people to check. There is no

Stanley turned his head back and walked forward

he thought, George, a person who was good at disguising and had psychological problems, must have done something shameful in

let Violet see it with her own eyes when George

Violet came to the hospital again with

they ran to the bedside, crying to

them go. She handed the thermos in her hand to Jessie, "I made

chicken soup aside, "George hasn't woken up yet. I don't have any appetite for the time

when he can wake

rubbed her tired eyebrows, "It's

not too late." Violet pulled a chair away and

afternoon, Fraser called me and told me that George's car accident was an accident. The driver who caused the accident was

Violet breathed a sigh of

was not an accident. If it was intentional, it would mean that the man behind the scenes who wanted to kill her some time ago made

George had been implicated by her. Even she dies, she couldn’t pay off. But although it was an accident this time, it was also because of her. So

I want to go to George's house and help him

you going to take care of him?" Violet looked up at

said, "I want to take care of him until he gets better. You also know,

am here waiting for you to come back." Violet

this might

opportunity to ease the relationship

speaking, Jessie picked up the bag and left

followed her to the door of the ward and watched her disappear in the corner of the corridor before closing the

two children were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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