Meryl's Pov 

I was back at the same dark room where I was bound to a chair which was restraining me from moving my hands and legs.

My wrist and ankle hurts and it now burns if I move them.

I tried to scream but no words came out, I tried again but my words were muffled as I realized that I had a cloth in my mouth.

My throat felt dry as if I've being deprived of water for ages.

My eyes can't make out anything in the room as it was pitch dark.

The room smell awful and pain was felt is every part of by body.

I wanted to scream out in pain as I felt someone squeezing my neck but I can’t.

Tears were now streaming down in face in endless flows as I tried to break free from the hold, but I can't.

Then I heard it.

I heard that sinister laugh who had tortured me for days or weeks, I can't remember.

No no no, please no.

Why is he here? Why I’m I here? I was at home with my family.

It's all a dream, it’s all a dream.

I repeated it again and again in my head thinking that it will help me wake up.

I can't be here, I can’t be here again.

His sinister laugh filled the whole room making it difficult for me to breathe.

I remember daddy and Alpha Mason coming to rescue me when I was trapped here then why I'm I here again.

Did he find me again? Did he came back? "I will find you my love."

I woke up with a bolt gasping for air.

I wipe my forehead which was covered in sweat.

I closed my eyes and breathe in deeply when I realised it was just another nightmare.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room with my heart in my stomach and was confused for a minute by the room that is covered either in black or white then everything came back to me.

Alpha King.

The room was even bigger then it had seem at night.

And it's very manly and...dull.

The right side of the bed was empty and also cold which tells me that he had woken up long before.

I let go of the pillow which I was clutching in a dead grip with a sigh as I made my way towards the bathroom.

A gasped left my mouth when I entered the bathroom, it was huge.

It even had a Jacuzzi which was looking very tempting but I decided against it.

I stood Infront of the bathroom mirror and saw that I was still in my white dress, my hair was sticking out in every direction.

I combed my hair with my fingers as I tried to make myself look a little presentable.

I thanked that no one saw me like this or else it would be so embarrassing.

But Alpha King surely might have seen me like this when he woke up.

I gasped at realisation as I groaned stuffing my faced on the palm of my hands.

I remembered the night before and how he had hold me, nobody had hold me like that and it didn't even felt awkward but almost comforting.

When I raised my head from my palms I saw my face red from my thoughts.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts as I did my morning routine.

I opt against taking a shower even though I so wanted to take one because I don’t have any clothes with me.

out of the bathroom and gasped in surprise as I held my hand on my heart when

he was

"I brought you clothes."

jerked his head towards the bed where I

I nodded my head.

"Thank you."

with his expression blank and walked out

the bag and ran towards the bathroom for a

the bag like a clean set of panties and bra with a yellow sun dress which reached till

and I

out the bathroom

saw my shoes at the corner of the room but decided against it as

and made my

the stairs as if scared of making

soI decided to search for

started making my way towards which I assumed was the

"What are you doing?"

behind me which made me squeak loudly and I


even able to finish my sentence as

hot due to embarrassment and I recognized him,

"Why were you-"

we heard heavy footsteps

as all traces of amusement that was present on his face a few

"What's happening here?"

King's voice boomed as he walked

a little in fright

King, I was just going when I saw


me? I

of of my mental panic state when I

"Go? "Yes, King.Luna."

gave us each a

"What are you wearing?"


question as I look down at

wore what he

legs as if they had

"It's too short."

as he pulled his phone out

accept the call as he started

pick a single dress for her and that's what you choose for her.I'll let

had a calm expression as he said these but his voice was hard which explains

again with narrowed eyes but still had a blank expression which doesn't let me see what


walking towards the direction where I was previously walking

followed behind him like a lost puppy as I have no clue

into what looked

house, it had brown cupboards and also a marble bar with four stools, counter and everything look shiny and new as if nothing


ordered as he pointed at one of

quietly and faced him as

cupboards and took out

my nose at the sight of it not because I don't like it

"You don't like this?"

asked when he saw my

quickly shook my head at his

a small smile as I love cooking especially

I remember them, I miss

Alpha King's voice brought

gave him a small smile and walked around the bar

break fast I had in mind

use of whatever was there and looking at the ingredients available I think I will be making

the required ingredients for a pancake in a bowl

the pancakes but all the while I felt a piercing gaze at the back of my head which was of none other than the King

quietly sat the stool with his

two plates and served two pancakes each on it, I placed the plate infront of him and another beside him with another plate filled with pancakes between the

syrup Infront of him as I walked

poured the syrup and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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