Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 34 Invisible Pressure (Part One)

Paved with ordinary limestone slabs and decorated with neatly trimmed verdant grass on both sides, it looked like any other road in the empire. The road turned and twisted, stretching away as far as the eye could see.

Participants who had registered for the initial exam seemed pretty confident and relaxed as they stood in line. Refining had strengthened their body, so for them, running was child's play. Most of them were quite sure that they would breeze through the exam.

The white-bearded old man gave a signal, and the exam began.

All candidates broke into a run. Just then something strange happened. The lead runners stumbled and sank to the ground, making a perfect pratfall.

Only a few people reacted quickly enough to recover their balance. They pulled themselves together and carried on running forward.

This incident gave the others an indication that there was something unusual about this road. They were more careful where they set foot on the road. Although no one else fell, since the candidates were being careful, their speed reduced. It looked as if they were carrying a thousand pounds of weight.

After the first few batches set off on the road, it was Zen's turn.

He approached the edge of the square and stepped out slowly. Instantly he felt an invisible pressure. As he tried to lift his foot, he found that his legs felt leaden.

It was an odd feeling.

the road, the pressure encased him completely. Every inch of his

the road seemed normal, the air pressure seemed much higher.

he was able to control his breathing. With enough food to supply

task seem daunting. The running would wear him out quickly. He wasn't sure how long he would last. Since he had lit up

a light cry he mustered every ounce of strength, tightened every muscle against the pressure, and

participants had adjusted to the pressure almost instantly. They continued to run at a brisk pace as if the pressure didn't

most participants were unable to

three hundred feet. As their bodies gave up, they fell on the road. They were so exhausted that even raising their heads had become an effort.

they were panting and staggering. The effort to maintain their pace against

participants began to drop back as time wore on, and the

up his body as this was the only way to stay in a


to him. It was Nory, the boy he had met the day before. His attire was more suitable to the challenge

Zen replied with a smile.

are doing well!" Nory gasped. "Impressive! Even though you are running under such high pressure, you look as if you are sauntering in your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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