Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 61 Using The Flying Knife (Part One)

At this moment, Zen leaped forward suddenly, and the ogre's attack hit the ground just behind him. The sound of the impact was so loud that Zen's ears ached. When he turned back to look, Zen realized that the force of the attack left a huge palm print on the ground. Had he not jumped away in time, the blow would have landed on his body.

Without wasting any time, Zen rolled forward, got up, and continued running.

The phantom ogre, who had been created by the illusion, murmured a few incomprehensible ogre words before chasing after Zen.

Zen had no choice but to keep running. At the same time, he felt angry and annoyed. Why was this ogre chasing him only?

Unfortunately, he couldn't stop to ask for an explanation. Even though the ogre was an illusion, if he were killed by it, he would be embarrassed. Besides, the ogre was an unreal beast. It was illogical to assume that the ogre was capable of thinking rationally. Of course, Zen couldn't communicate with such a creature.

While Zen struggled with his escape, the scene outside Bloody Mountain was also messy.

Many instructors had discovered through the Picture Slabs that the ogre had escaped from the fifth level and entered the third level.

"Joshua, do you know what the hell is going on?"

he break through the magic arrays and enter the third

questions, Joshua stammered, "I..I don't know what's going on. Maybe there is something wrong with the magic arrays in the Bloody

the Blooded Test be stopped immediately," said one of

Test should be stopped. I'm afraid that if the participants on the Bloody Mountain are attacked by this creature, they will all be unfairly removed from the exam. I've long suggested that the grade-five phantom beast should be eliminated. It's meaningless to put it there. I really

Don't jump to conclusions in haste!" a master exclaimed. On hearing this, the two instructors who had been

see! This ogre seems to be chasing Zen," the master switched the screen on the Picture Slab to one of the noble-clan disciples. These instructors peered at the screen and saw

you remember Johan Lin? When Johan attended the Blooded Test with the strength of the marrow refining level, he was proud of his superior power and wanted to fight with this unreal beast. But in the end, he had been badly injured and could only run away."

hundred years. He became famous only three years after entering Cloud Sect. At the age of nineteen, he passed the trial of Cloud Road and became a member of Cloud Hall. Both his genius and

quite distinguished, but in the minds of many instructors, he was still not as good as Johan. Moreover, at that time when

who was stronger than Zen, had to accept defeat and run from the ogre. How could Zen have the slightest possibility of resisting against the

paid close attention to Zen, who was considered as the biggest surprise this year. After a short debate, they stopped arguing and watched the screen to see

that none of the instructors were questioning him, Joshua smiled. He was satisfied that his trick had worked. 'Sneaky simpleton! You will die. How can you escape from the attack of the devil ogre? I can't wait to see your dead body!' With these thoughts in his

wasn't attacking back. He was just running. With his flexible body, precise and calculated movements, powerful explosive force, and a little bit of luck, Zen had avoided

a good solution.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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