Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4066 The One Who Rang The Bell

There were six great caves lying five thousand feet

below the ground of the Jade Pure Realm's northwest side.

Each cave was about three thousand feet in diameter.

Each cave's outer layer was covered with meat in the state of constant shrinking, which made the entire cave look like a beating heart.

While the cave was merely three thousand feet high, the inner space was far larger than this.

Each and every cave had its own world.

In the lowest cave stood the Mysterious Yellow Tower.

At the very bottom of the tower was a man holding a bronze mirror in the shape of Eight Diagrams.

He was clad in a cyan robe and looked rather wise and remarkable. His aura was impressive.

"What a sharp insight!

The channel has been broken!

This person's control over the Source World has risen to a new level..."

Grabbing the bronze mirror, he flew up to the top of the tower.

Carved on the surface at the top were densely packed scriptures, all of which were written in Sanskrit.

"Cutting and sharpening..."

the immortal-like old man muttered on top of the tower.

Each time he chanted, a circle of golden light spread out from his body.

The golden light swept right past the scriptures, making them rotate chaotically. An extremely solemn aura was emitted, making the old man's aura grow noble and grand.

Anyone who faced the suppression of the golden light couldn't help but fall to their knees.

But once the young man was swept by the light, he merely frowned and shouted, "Old man, the channel you've built so painstakingly has been destroyed! You deceived me again. Didn't you tell me that the channel wouldn't ever be discovered?"

he threw the bronze mirror right in front of the other man.

latter merely

the golden light continued circling

scene, the young man's behavior seemed

the old man's eyes


words stopped circling as well, returning

smiled and said, "As I

young man seemed to find it unbearable and interrupted, "The Maximized Energy is produced by using a Godly Way to maximize the Ways-blending Energy. This kind of energy is absolutely uncontrollable. Save

these words over a hundred

heard it so many times, the young man could recite each word

merely smiled helplessly—he didn't blame the younger man at all. "It's good that he's not dead. Everything goes according to plan, then. He might now find a way to

between the Other Shore and the

up until this point, no one had

Grandmaster of Heaven and Claire chose to come to the Source World

terms of form and strength, they'd be

it?" the

was by no means a small nor simple world. It had a particularly special means


lips. It wasn't the first time the old man had talked nonsense, after all. If he was questioned, he'd undoubtedly make up many arguments to reason with the young man. Even if something false slipped out of the old man's mouth, he'd still manage to come up

a crack in the barrier. Perhaps,

rang from the inside of the Mysterious


it rang, a blazing white sword light rushed up from

young man in the cyan robe revealed a strange

and have a look. It should be a good thing, after all," said

turned to head into the tower.

panoramic view

had a total of thirty-three floors, all built according to the situation in the stages of Other Shore.

very corner of the first floor was a handful of golden Equinox Sand, the most preliminary Other Shore Token. From there,

floor onward, the Other Shore Tokens on each floor were all of the fourth

auxiliary type, the mysterious type, and the descending type.

is ringing the

his eyes until he found a figure to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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