The Night View Island was no longer peaceful these days.

This was largely because the Glede Demon race had spread the news that the Red Demon race were sacrificing members of many races in exchange for the Arcana.

This had caused so much panic among the weaker races that they had abandoned their own territories and formed alliances.

Bacchus took advantage of the situation and extended an olive branch to these races. He won them over by claiming he could protect them. Then he asked them to gather in the land of the Glede Demon race to fight against the Red Demon race.

Of course, his protection would not come for free. These races had to hand over all the Arcana they had.

With this strategy, the Glede Demons accumulated a lot of Arcana in a short time, all while amassing the other races to their side.

This would increase the chances of victory for the Glede Demons should the Red Demons launch an attack.

Bacchus handed over all the Arcana he had plundered to Zen and escorted him and his group to the Ghost Mountain.

He wanted three Holy Stones in return.

The Holy Stones were great threats to the Treacherous Beings. Bacchus had to get them at all costs.

Zen agreed to his request.

Previously, he had killed three stone men in the underground cave and obtained three Holy Stones the size of beans. He gave them to the Snake Goddess, Fuxi and Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and their own three stones, the size of grains of sand, were given to Bacchus.

Soon, daylight broke on the Night View Island.

The dawn found Zen and his companions climbing one last mountain with the Glede Demons before arriving at the Ghost Mountain.

As they neared the peak however, they noted something curious. Though there was nothing ahead to block their vision, they couldn't see the Ghost Mountain anywhere in the distance.

The empty expanse ahead left Zen and the others stumped. Both Decker and the Glede Demons said that the Ghost Mountain was here, however. They couldn't possibly be mistaken.

It was only when they crossed the peak line that a huge black shadow came into view.

It was a huge triangular mountain!

As Decker had said, the Ghost Mountain was protected by a special space rule. It could only be seen after they crossed the peak line.

was largely outside the Night View Island, save for a part of its foot, which was connected to

covered with irregular lines, which helped it absorb

the Ghost Mountain seemed to be floating

so we

and glided down the mountain, leading

others followed him down.

two black monkey statues flanking the path.

changed slightly when he saw

related to the monkey spirits in

Ghost Mountain is very simple. Just feed the Arcana to

out his Arcana and stuffed them into the

Arcana bit by bit. Its eyes began to glow with a yellow light. A few moments later, its belly slowly

the sheet and held it up. "This is the key to entering the Ghost Mountain and to

The statues melt the Arcana and then press them into thin sheets, correct?" Fuxi asked with

Emperor Taiyi had also realized the same thing. The monkey statues weren't too mysterious. They only had a flame rune which melted the Arcana in their

enter the Ghost Mountain with just any glazed sheet. It is only through this mechanism we can get the special

glazed sheet to Zen, Fuxi,

were indeed indecipherable circles of large and small runes

much. Our only goal is to get

she spoke, the Snake Goddess likewise fed the Arcana to

flashed, and a thin

followed suit, each exchanging their Arcana for a

out, "He can enter the Ghost Mountain, but he can't fuse with any Treacherous Being. Are you

that it would be

leave Campbell behind. "Of course," he said


Glede Demons also got their glazed sheets, Decker, who was at the back of the line, meekly piped up,

Demon shot him a cold glare. "Why? Do

of the Wooden Leaf race. The Glede Demons didn't think too highly

team as a guide, but now that they had the Glede Demons to show the way,

directly asked Decker to leave, but he remained only because Zen had insisted that he stay.

days. How dare a member of the Wooden Leaf race have them in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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