Divorce Anxiety

Divorce Anxiety Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Someone Tinkered With It

“Charles, we can leave now,” said Kathleen nonchalantly.

So soon?

Charles looked at Caleb. “Does my sister need to come to the Lewis residence often in the future?”

“Charles.” Kathleen frowned.

Did he misunderstood something?

“Don’t worry, Mr. Johnson. From now on, we’ll make sure that there are no paparazzi within a five-kilometer radius of the Johnson residence,” Caleb promised impassively.

“That would be the best,” replied Charles coldly. “I’ll be bringing my sister home. Please excuse us.”

“Goodbye,” Caleb replied emotionlessly.

Charles led Kathleen away while grabbing her hand.

Meanwhile, Caleb retrieved his lighter and cigarette case from his pocket and lit a cigarette for himself.

A smile tugged on his thin lips when he heard the sounds of the car starting outside.

Kathleen sure is an interesting woman.

Charles drove his car to send Kathleen back home.

Halfway through their journey, he couldn’t help but ask, “What business does Caleb have with you?”

“Stop asking me that, Charles. I can’t talk about it.” Kathleen was flustered.

Her brother frowned. “Not even to me?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

Upon hearing that, he smirked. “Is the woman upstairs named Vivian Lewis?”

Kathleen was stunned. “How do you know that, Charles?”

“What happened to her?” he inquired in a hoarse voice, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

She hesitated for a moment before answering, “Her mental state is unstable. It seems as if she had gone through a traumatizing experience.”

The veins on the back of Charles’ hands popped out. “Can her condition be cured?”

“It’ll depend on the circumstances,” answered Kathleen.

Charles pressed his lips into a thin line. “You have to save her.”

looked at him in curiosity. “Charles, do you

to her question, but the

furrowed her

How did they meet, and when? Could Charles have anything to do with the

not continue down that

knew, Charles

I might just have

to retrieve a photo from the drawer of his desk

moment, a man entered the study. “Mr. Lewis, the car is ready, and the plane is already waiting for your arrival at

the photo down. “Philip, look at this. Don’t you think this man

observed the photo after taking it from Caleb. “Mr.

a lot of hackers to restore this photo, but they only ever managed to recover

directly, Mr.

he is indeed the man in the photo?” Caleb sounded stern. “Would he even have the guts to admit

his lips. “What do you propose

to fall for me, and then I’ll dump her. By then, Charles would definitely bend to my will for the sake of her

say anything to


think… it sounds decent.” Philip

his brows. “Don’t

that because of a bad relationship, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to go do that to another woman.

going to actually dump her. I’m only going to scare her,”

to be able to court her, Mr.

could you be certain that I wouldn’t succeed in

his gaze from Caleb. “I just get that

Caleb huffed.

the photo back into the drawer, he said to Philip, “Remember to have Kathleen come to check on my sister’s condition at home daily

“Understood.” Philip nodded.

picked up his jacket and left after

Samuel boarded

Macari, according to the latest

had a cold look in his eyes. “Kathleen went to the Lewis

Tyson nodded.

manage to find out what was the purpose of her visit?” asked

the Lewis family are

look of gloomy disdain on Samuel’s handsome face. “Think of other

“Yes.” Tyson nodded.

he said that, another indifferent voice came through.

looked beside him.

Caleb smiled.

was located on the other

it gracefully, he

is a direct flight, so I am, without a doubt, heading to the same destination as you,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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