Chapter 91 The Scene was Awkward for a While

Cierra Boyle was speechless for a moment.

She stood frozen in place with her flour-covered hands.

It was a long time before she said slowly, “Then, what do I have to do before Harold Bernard-Barton will forgive me?”

Harold Bernard-Barton is still silent, makes Cierra Boyle more seems adorable and innocent.

After a while, the young man holding the glass of water suddenly smiled: “I forgive you now.”‘

Cierra Boyle was surprised.

She was stunned for a few seconds before realized what had happened, with surprised and uncertain, she asked, “Really? You’re not angry anymore?”

As she spoke, she rushed towards Harold Bernard-Barton.

Caught off guard, Harold Bernard-Barton’s shoulders had already been marked with two snowy fingerprints. He can do nothing about her willfully actions, only to allow her to wipe two more

marks on his shoulder.

After Cierra Boyle had calmed down, he spoke up, “Okay, this time you should learn a lesson and make sure not to worry everyone again next time.”

He spoke slowly and seriously, sounding as rigid as an old teacher giving a lecture in class.

There was still some flour on his clothes, and some had even fallen on his hair, but it didn’t seem to

make him look messy at all.

He stood up straight, with handsome features that resembled the pine trees in the mountains. Occasionally, some withered leaves would fall on the branches, but it couldn’t erase the sense of aloofness and coldness that came with the pine.

Cierra Boyle nodded obediently, “I got it. There won’t be a next time.”

Harold Bernard-Barton made a sound of agreement: “I’ll go upstairs, you can continue with your work. You don’t have to make too many dishes for lunch, just as usual will do.”

His tone was devoid of any fluctuations, as if he were an emotionless robot.

Cierra Boyle wrinkled his nose in response, but didn’t say anything.

Harold Bernard-Barton didn’t look at her again. The reason He went downstairs is to get water, but he haven’t touched the water dispenser yet.

Just as he was about to pour water, a sudden warmth covered his face, followed by the sensation of

flour being rubbed against his skin by her fingers. Cierra Boyle had used the remaining flour on her hands and smeared it over his face.


a helpless expression on his face,

had no elegance

this moment, Coby Barton and

Coby Barton was

a dork, look at you now! I’m going to take

out his phone and

“William, stop it.”

the culprit. All he could do is turn around to avoid the camera, rushing to

his way, even Coby Barton, who was

dining room was filled with

at her masterpiece with satisfaction, and joined the filming team

on the face.

a defeat for Harold Bernard-Barton, but

the sofa with all their etiquette lessons

Barton and Harold Bernard-Barton, who had never liked to smile, had smiles on their faces

Boyle glanced at Harold, using her cleaned hands slapped Harold Bernard-Barton’s shoulder hard.

always with a poker face. He’s an


truth,” said Cierra

“I’m gonna send this to Jaquan Barton


an old

phone. “William, are you childish? You are such an adult and you still tattle-tale like this.

again filled with the playful banter that only

people were busy to

to create momentum for the alliance between movie star Coby Barton and the the Boyle family, Vanessa Foley had been busy making the scene


on the lawn gradually lit

daughter, fearing that they might not be grand enough and neglecting Cierra Boyle and her movie star brother.

were quite a lot

Group and their businesses. However, it is often difficult to even meet with them, let

were come to pursue a relationship with the enigmatic background of Coby Barton, regardless

having won three Best Actor awards at such a young age, and they were

abilities as an actor.

came from an ordinary family, reaching the top

potential to make a great future, which was worth getting

the Boyle family, not

also arrived at the Boyle

the car in high

by the various lights illuminating the villa, making it shine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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