Dominance (Book 1)

Chapter 12: Caring

I saw my brothers and their friends standing. I dragged Grayson with me towards them and he groaned. Moody.

I let go of Grayson's hand and hugged my brothers in a group hug. I saw that Louis was talking to them.

"Hello Danielle, you're so happy this morning." Luke smirked.

I blushed and bit my bottom lip. They all looked at me and then turned to Grayson who was smirking.

"Well Grayson, as long as you look after my baby sister, I guess making her feel good comes with the package." Shawn said with a devil smile.

I punched him in the shoulder and whined at how hard it was.

"Fuck." I groaned and gave Shawn a death glare.

"Awww Danielle." Niall teased as he gently stroked my hand.

Grayson growled and took my hand gently. He examined my hand and kissed it, looking into my eyes.

of my brothers' friend with brown

with compassion in his voice. He cared for me. My wolf whimpered

reached for me and Grayson stepped in front of

growled at Shawn. Oh no, here

sister so I won't." Shawn challenged

the one who you care so much for? The one who got her wrist hurt and all you do is laugh at her? Wow. Such a fantastic fucking

of the fucking way."

You've done enough damage, now fuck off." Grayson hugged me and I hugged him

words were a bit harsh, but he had a point. That was a

gonna lie, it's going to hurt like shit. But I'm here, okay baby?" Grayson held my wrist

wrist crack. I screamed at the pain. The pain subsided and I

good girl." Grayson kissed my forehead. I smiled at

Grayson." I

rang. First period was PE (physical exercise). Jessica and I never participate in the activities. I walked to the pavilion and sat, waiting for Jessica. Our PE clothes were really short and tight. My PE top showed some cleavage. Jessica walked

he feels really bad."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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