Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 265: It Was Him

Samuel turned sharply back, but he couldn't find anyone staring him.


He had always been cautious and sensitive, and he was sure what he felt was right. He might not have been so cautious if Nicole hadn't warned him that there were Zama’ men at the base.


But as soon as he came out of Macon’'s room, he realized he was being followed, which was really bad.


Samuel frowned.


He was so worried about Nicole's safety that he wanted to turn around and told her about that, but then he thought of Zoe.


Zoe was still waiting for him, and he needed to get back as soon as possible.


Samuel took out his cell phone and called Lucas directly.


He didn’t know how to get in touch with Finn, but he could get Lucas to tell Finn o keep Nicole safe.


Lucas was asleep and hung up the phone when he heard the phone ring.


Samuel felt helpless.


The boy might be sleeping soundly now, and if not necessary, he didn't want to wake him up.


The phone rang again and again. Lucas was very displeased, so he just answered the phone.


"Samuel, what are you doing? It's not daylight yet?”


"I'm at the base and I'm going to go back now, but I'm afraid something might be wrong with your mommy. I can't get in touch with Finn, so give Finn a call and ask him to keep an eye on everything going on at the base and protect your mommy, okay?"


Samuel's voice was not loud, plus he was on the beach and the sea wind was howling, Lucas can hardly hear it.


“Aren't you at the base? Just let Macon take care of mommy."


Lucas yawned, and he still didn't wake up.


Samuel sighed, "I am still worry about her. There would be safe if there of tears is one more person to take care of her."


“All right, I see.”


Lucas called Finn after he hung up, but it was strange that Finn’s phone didn't get through.


At first Lucas didn't notice anything wrong, thinking that Finn had turned off his phone while he was sleeping, but after three or four calls, Lucas noticed something was wrong.


He didn't feel sleepy by this time.


He called Samuel, but, strangely enough, Samuel couldn't get through either.


The base signal had been blocked by someone!


Who did that?


Who had the power to block the base signal?


Lucas suddenly sat up, quickly turned on his computer, and tried to find Nicole, but unfortunately, her tracking system was gone.


What was going on?


Lucas got upset.


After hanging up the phone, Samuel quickly pulled a kayak from the warehouse and planned to leave in the dark, but he was always uneasy.


if it was because he didn't sleep the whole night or if something


Back Sea, quickly boarded


left, Nicole suddenly


very quiet outside, so quiet that she could hear her own voice, but




dressed in silence, and came


were the mountains, and she didn't know what it would be if she came out of the window, but it was far better than


and quickly got

it like a gecko. She tried to send Finn a message, only to discover that the signal




bad must have happened


know if


here to be the bait, she did not expect


but what if the ones who hurt him were the ones he trusted


Nicole couldn't imagine it.


clicked open and Nicole's heart


Here they came!


were so sweaty and she tried to


after opening the door, two of them got into bed and tried to catch Nicole,


"She is not here?"


sounded a bit




‘The window was open!


soon came to


run outside. She is


in the room was suddenly turned


in from the outside, said faintly at the sight of everything in the


leave the base under any circumstances! And Samuel just went out in his kayak. He's alone,


at the


Was it Macon?




could defend anyone except Macon, the least man she thought that would betray


so shocked that she wanted to send the


What did Macon say?




would be fine as


had to inform Samuel, but Nicole


backed out and ran to the mountain, but Macon did not


looking out into the dark road. No one knew what he was


was freezing to death on


cold in


now her


and Samuel had gone through the death together. They survived from the battlefield. How could this relationship


to Samuel


Who did he obey?


Zama? Or Samuel's uncle?


she should do now was to hide herself as much as possible.





roof. As soon as the day breaks, she would be found. If Macon didn’t leave the house, how


like she


wanted, but she also put herself in such


it, Macon suddenly let out a sigh


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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