Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 267: Why so Nice to Me

Nicole was nervous, so were the women inside, all looking helplessly at Nicole.


For her, it was an accident to come here, and to meet so many poor women was out of her expectations. But could she ignore 



Nicole denied it immediately.


No matter who was behind Zama, she would not be complicit in the crime.


Fortunately, the two men only searched the area and then quickly backed out, probably in real fear of Zama's return.


How powerful was Zama?


Even the staff in the base were afraid of her?


Or had Zama been around since the base was built?


Nicole wasn't sure, but she was thinking about it all the time.


When the sound of footsteps died away a little, Nicole said to the women behind her, "I'll get you out of here, but I'm not sure if you can get out of here. Everybodyjust scatter and run when you are out, and do not run in one direction, okay?"


Everyone nodded.


For them, Nicole was the biggest hope for getting them out.


Nicole opened the wooden door. It was cold outside, but very disturbing.


She was the first to come out to check he surroundings, and when she found nobody there, she waved and let the people 

behind her come out with her.


Nicole remembered the way she had come, and she quickly led the women to a place.


It was getting a little light outside. There must be cameras around here.


Nicole took a look and noticed an electronic eye nearby. She quickly picked up something to hide it.


“Once I do that, they'll soon find out something's wrong here, and then everyone will scatter and run. Just run out of here as much as you can”


"Thank you, girl."


They cried with joy.


They hadn't fled yet, but they saw a glimmer of hope.


Nicole wasn't too sure of their gratitude. It was only the first step.


After telling them the escape route, Nicole quickly blocked the camera and ran out.


There was a little girl in her late teens, not too tall, who ran out with Nicole at the same time Nicole ran out.


Everyone had left, and nobody wanted to stay, except this little girl, who was following Nicole.


Nicole hadn't noticed her at first, but when she found the girl was following her, she was a bit hesitant.


"Girl, you can't follow me?


Nicole was afraid of dragging her, but the little girl shook her head and did not speak.


could not quite see her face, but she


have other fish to fry. I really can't take you


for her, and she had to avoid Macon and tried to get through Finn, but now this little girl was following her, it was likely to


just shook her head and did not


just throw


people, just


girl nodded; her eyes


should have very beautiful


not leave her alone this time, let the girl follow her closely and ran fast toward the


have a


"Can you swim?”






swim, then how could


a lot of people coming


would have


What could she do?


come to them


mountains to find


felt like she was


in danger. She just needed to follow



time there were already a lot of people


them hope, and it would be better to die at sea than to be


sudden stop sent the little girl reeling, and she almost ran into Nicole, but she stopped


If I turned and ran back, would you still


looked at


girl's safety. The little girl's being with her gave her a sense

though everyone


girl blinked at Nicole as if she understood her,




was young,


happen if I run back. I'm actually the one they're looking for. If you run out

you might have a chance of survival, but following me is dangerous.




in the woods, turning to run


little girl's hands


about her daughter


died here, what would happen to Zoe? What


she was more or less complaining about her own imprudence.



about what Zama had said and the situation she and Zoe were in,


been able to figure out why she had always been chased after. She just wanted



people really that


still refused to let the poor child go. What was on her


in mind, Nicole took the little girl and


heard outside, and sure


someone had jumped into


this time Nicole had no time


and ran into the mountains


he didn’t even want to own a country. Nicole and

run, but Nicole knew sooner or later they


to hear footsteps behind them as they tried to get farther


ahead was a dead end, what would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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