Chapter 220 The Reason of Heartache

In the conference room. Edgar fixed his cold-eyed stare at the marketing manager during the analysis presentation. His menacing and cold aura had everyone in the conference room sitting on pins and needles.

“At the moment, besides Eyer Group, we have analyzed and shortlisted a few companies that we think are qualified to undertake this project. Among them are Reece Group, Ludwig Group…”

As the manager spoke, he could sense a menacing attention looming toward him. Edgar gazed at him while lifting his head slightly. Edgar might have darted him an indifferent gaze but there was pronounced intimidation in it.

The manager was terrified. The laser pointer almost slipped out of his hand as it was shaking uncontrollably. All the other managers cast him a commiserating gaze.

In such a sensitive time, it was unwise of him to bring up Eyer Group in front of Edgar. Andy was the only one who dared to push Edgar’s button. “Carry on.” He said with a chuckle while leaning backwards.

The manager wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, turned around, and painstakingly resumed his presentation, “The strength of Reece Group is…”

He was still talking on his point when…

The door of the conference room was abruptly pushed open, and Jean appeared in the conference room. “Wait a moment!” Everyone was distracted by her exclamation.

Edgar’s eyes were on Jean. He stared at her with his mysterious and compelling eyes. The way he looked at her made her uneasy. It was reasonable for him to be upset since she showed up in his company uninvited, and disrupted their meeting.

But she had no choice but to try her luck, perhaps it would work out. Fortunately, Edgar didn’t call the security guards to chase her out but only stared at her.

Jean quickly entered the conference room and said, “The contract between Royden Group and Eyer Group hasn’t expired. This means that Royden Group has no right to unilaterally terminate the contract.”

“Ms. Eyer, this is a meeting within Royden Group. How can you

you trying to fool us for your own gain?” Jean

it was Mr. Royden who granted this project to Eyer Group. Now that there’s a

side eye at Andy and his sarcasm. His voice was as cold as winter, “Do you mean I am

himself up and spread out his palms, “Of course. Royden Group never condone malefactors. Whoever

his sentence, he said it while looking at the other managers in the room.

sack whoever weighed down the company value, or underperformed employees. Let alone the

provoke Edgar. However, what Andy had said made sense too. Anyway, Eyer Group was only given this project

to settle this matter

voice, “Ms. Eyer, is this why you’re here? There’s a lot of witnesses

He had never expected Jean to take this path! Is she here to own up to the responsibility? Edgar still didn’t speak. He just tilted his head and gave Miles a look. Miles came forward immediately,

felt unnerved. She felt more in control after sitting down. Luckily nobody

undergone at the design school.

very well. When I first got the project, I was unsure and thought of quitting, but then I remember Mr. Royden

glanced at her and there was a nuanced emotion in his eyes. “He said, the success of a project isn’t by a man or team’s effort.” Edgar looked at her, there was an unfamiliar feeling sprouting

a word the entire time and no one dared to voice out. Sitting in his

threw a fist on the table after speaking. The atmosphere in the conference room hit the skies. Everyone

an ominous day for Jean. A power struggle between the two forces threw Jean to the lions. It was inevitable for

around with him? “Success in business has a lot to do with luck. That’s what he said in the latter


throughout was the only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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