Chapter 291 Tear

“I’d suggest you go visit Ms. Reece in the hospital if you have the time. It’ll give her some peace of mind and help with the delivery. Rather than doing something that would upset Mr. Royden.”

He had finished what he came to say. Sam called for Winnie after Miles had left. “Reading between the lines, has Gigi done something to upset Edgar recently?”

He had already decided to ‘sell’ his daughter to Edgar. Gigi’s feelings were the last thing on his mind. Right now, he was more focused on how he was going to change Edgar’s mind.

“Say something! Royden Group may have lost the auction, but Edgar is not the type to let this hold him down for long. He will bounce back without any issues. When the time comes, I’ll need to take advantage of Royden Group. Nothing can go wrong.”

The longer he spoke, the more conflicted Winnie felt.

She refused to speak for a while but finally broke after Sam continued to prod her. “Gigi wanted to speed up the marriage process. Edgar probably felt that she was being too pushy.”

This was the plan Gigi had thought up with her friends.

In Sam’s opinion, she had no one to blame but herself.

“I need you to go check on Gigi every day from today onwards until she delivers the baby. Should anything go wrong, consider yourself fired.”

Before Winnie could respond, Sam had left and gone upstairs.

She stood unmoving in the living room. Winnie took a deep breath and sneered, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Both father and daughter use me as an outlet for their anger! Don’t even dream about going up against Jean and Edgar.”

Based on how Gigi returned unsuccessful the other day, Winnie knew that Jean must have received her news.

After hesitating a little, she called Jean.

But it went unanswered.

Did Jean know that she was the one who tipped her off?

Winnie frowned and went back to her room.

Jean slept all night and well into the next day.

She found her entire body to be sore when she woke up.

“You’re awake!” The nurse exclaimed happily. “Let me get the doctor.”

Jean looked around. She was the only one in the room.

Good. Edgar wasn’t there.

that she had the time to

floor. The chill from the floor was a shock to her

the drawers next to the bed to hide the jewelry box

the door

hide, but

awake?” The


at her with

Jean shivered.

unpredictable temper more times

full of pride and was decisive. He hated lies and

out that she had lied to him about

up. “I was afraid that I had lost it. My mother left it for me.” Her

no intention of

creases on Edgar’s forehead smoothened

rushed in to check on

recovering well, Mr. Royden. There shouldn’t

Edgar nodded.

“Would she…”

interrupting him. It

headboard. She caught his expression just before

leave her to it.” The doctor and

door. His phone rang incessantly. He looked conflicted. “You

door closed behind

and smirked at herself. She was no

Her solution was foolproof.

loose-fitting hospital gown did nothing to

something that Jean

it was

and came at Jean, wanting to tear at her hair and

movements were clumsy and bumbling as she was close to

just woken up from a

forever! Why didn’t you just die in

Gigi was spitting mad.

had come to the hospital. To her

Jean’s eyes were cold.

Gigi go on her rant without saying

“Are you mute?”

vase on the table. It crashed onto the

clenched her teeth and deliberately stepped onto the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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