Chapter 334 Loss-making

“What?!” The Reece family, a few directors from Royden Group, and the lawyers were stunned when they heard Gigi’s request. Mr. Blanc looked toward Mr. Martin immediately. Mr. Martin pushed his glasses and explained calmly, “As Mr. Royden’s family member, Ms. Reece does have the right to ask to stop the operation.”

Winnie took a step back in silence. She knew the situation wasn’t as simple as it seemed on the surface. Gigi couldn’t care less about how the others perceived her announcement – all she wanted was to get Andy back. She let out a cough and hid her guilt in her beautiful eyes.

“The operation has been going on for so long, yet there’s still no news. I don’t think the doctors in this hospital are capable enough to treat Edgar. I’ll send him overseas to receive treatment.”

Andy said that Edbert was the only one left in the Royden family besides Edgar. If I request to bring Edgar to receive treatment overseas, Edbert will surely agree. After Edgar leaves this country, Royden Group will be ours. Besides, I don’t have to cover up the identity of the child anymore. After all, Andy cares for me much more than Edgar.

For the sake of her child and herself, Gigi made the choice that was the most advantageous to her.

“But Mr. Royden’s operation is still ongoing. If it is stopped halfway, there might be dire consequences. Please reconsider your decision, Ms. Reece.” Mr. Blanc knitted his brows.

“Ms. Reece?”

Gigi wore a fierce expression. “What did you call me?”

Mr. Blanc let out a cough and remained silent. After all, they were outsiders, so no one could stop Gigi if she insisted on halting the surgery.

“Inform the doctors immediately and arrange the necessary procedures.”

Meanwhile, in the operating room, Jean had put on the bandages for Edgar. Edgar was lying still on the operating table, waiting to be moved out of the operating room once it was about time.

However, while they were waiting, they received news of Gigi requesting to transfer Edgar to another hospital.

“She’s asking to transfer to another hospital at this moment?” Jean was startled with a worried look.

indeed in a coma, Gigi’s decision

cast a glance at her and said in a cold voice,

her eyes and looked at Edgar in surprise. “Miles? Isn’t he

To confuse those who are coming after Royden Group

that everything was part of Edgar’s scheme. He

you could die!” If standing in front of Edgar

a distance away from Edgar, who was leaning against the operating table. His distinct facial features were enchanting, and he emanated

plan.” It was as if everything

threw the medical tape in her hand onto the floor and hissed, “I don’t care about your safety at

solemn. “Do you

as Jean was about to answer, she accidentally

countless times if she really intended to seek revenge against Edgar and retrieve all that she had lost from him. However, whenever there was a chance, she conflictingly chose to

she had to admit that she didn’t want Edgar

lay down on the operating table slowly and croaked,

for me at the rear door. We’ll leave together.” It was as if everything

mumbled, “I won’t be

enough that I didn’t expose your pretense to the others. Don’t expect me to be your caretaker for the

was closing the door after

the door

nursing station pushed Edgar back

immediately asked the caretakers to

to rush to the airport now?” Even the caretaker thought it was

Just do what you’re asked

did not dare to retort Gigi and clammed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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