Chapter 388 Waiting for the Right Opportunity

Jean was bursting with fury. Not only does he trap me in the house. He even keeps avoiding the matter between us. How long is he going to keep me here?

Jean called Rachel. “I need you to pause all the projects we discussed before and focus on the joint intelligence project instead. We must release the product before Royden Group does.”

Rachel answered immediately, “But Ms. Eyer, we still need to adjust many aspects of the project. If we were to cut down on time, the result would not be desirable.”

“Find a way to overcome them as much as possible. The faster, the better.” Jean put down her phone and heard a maid knocking on the door. “Ms. Eyer, it’s time for lunch.”

“I’m not hungry.” Jean locked the door. “Don’t bother me.”

She took her phone and checked the day’s news. It seemed the staff in Royden Group were efficient. They took down any information regarding Jean, Edgar, and Gigi. There was not a trace at all.

Furthermore, Gigi’s management company announced that Gigi was recovering well. She would also accept her appointment as a brand ambassador for a high-end jewelry brand and would make a full return to acting soon.

Gigi’s fans expressed their excitement about the news on the Web.

Previously, these fans were bashing Jean online for ruining Gigi’s chances. Now that there was news about Gigi’s return to the entertainment industry, these fans temporarily forgot about the matter between Jean and Gigi.

Jean looked at her phone screen and felt the problem was resolved too quickly.

She then opened her email and frowned when she saw the few read emails.

“Dad, what should I do?”

Edgar placed her under house arrest and restricted her freedom to make her submit and tell him the truth. However, she honestly could not tell him.

How could she tell him that his uncle, Edbert, was the mastermind?

Or how could she tell him that she made a deal with Edbert to take revenge against Sam? It was Sam who destroyed the Eyer family and murdered Edgar’s parents.

She was unable to tell him any of these.

found out about the truth, what would become of

the couch and watched her phone screen become

Gigi was discharged from the hospital with much fanfare. Furthermore, she and Sam were interviewed by

I failed

my fault that

Jean wore a mask and sunglasses and remained silent

kept talking and pretending to wipe his

don’t ask any more questions. My daughter needs rest. She really can’t bear any more hurt. So please, I

made everyone think that Gigi was

news that Royden Group suppressed began to show up again. At the

cameras, “We can’t afford to offend anyone, so no more pictures.

his words, Sam made no move to push Gigi

reporters grabbed the chance and kept pointing the

TV screen and gripped the remote tightly. “Sam, that scoundrel.

brought a plate of fruits to Jean and was shocked to see the

so beautiful look

want a roasted duck for dinner

her room

me to stay here however long he wants. After all, I can get many

For example, spreading rumors.

arrived at

got off the plane, he checked his phone to see if Jean had left him any threats.

a business trip this morning, she

unbothered attitude made Edgar

the country? Has she made

had long expected Edgar to ask this. He immediately reported the

case, what did she

enjoyed herself at home. She did not do anything. Moreover, she seemed in a good mood and

Edgar furrowed his brow.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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