Chapter 1

On the day Olivia Fordham was diagnosed with stomach cancer, her husband, Ethan Miller, was taking care of his first love’s children.

In the hospital corridor, Keith Rogers said grimly while holding a biopsy report, “Olivia, the results are out. If the surgery is successful, the five-year survival rate for a 3A malignant tumor is 15 to 30 percent.”

Olivia gripped the strap of her sling bag tightly with her slender fingers. Her petite face was pale and solemn. “Keith, how long do I have left to live if I don’t do the surgery?”

“Six months to a year. It’s different for everyone. In your case, it’s better to do two rounds of chemotherapy first before the surgery. It will prevent the risk of the tumor spreading or undergoing metastasis.”

Olivia bit her lip while forcing out, “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. I’ll arrange for you to be admitted to the hospital right away,” said Keith.

“There’s no need. I don’t plan to receive treatment. I won’t be able to get through it,” Olivia said.

Keith wanted to say something more, but Olivia tipped her head at him. “Keith, please help me keep this a secret. I don’t want my family to worry.”

The Fordham family was bankrupt. Olivia already had to bend over backward just to cover the medical expenses of her father, Jeff Fordham. If her family knew about her illness, it would undoubtedly make the situation worse.

Keith sighed helplessly and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll keep my lips sealed. I heard that you’re married. Your husband—”

“Keith, please take good care of my dad. I have to go now.” Olivia seemed very reluctant to talk about this and left quickly before he could answer. Keith shook his head.

dropped out of university and gotten married. The top genius

Even when she had collapsed from illness

they had gotten married. Alas, when his first love returned to the country

the water with Marina Carlton, his first love. Amidst her struggles, she saw him swimming

the time she arrived at the hospital, her baby had died in the

that she knew about her illness, she could not deny it any longer. She dialed his number

“I won’t see you

eyes as she forced herself to swallow her words about her illness. Marina’s voice suddenly came over the phone

a long time flowed down her face that instant. Her child was gone and her family was ruined, but he

begged him like before. Instead, she said weakly, “Ethan, let’s get

over the phone. He laughed coldly and said, “Olivia, what tricks are you

said, “I’ll wait for you at

took all of her strength to hang up on him, and she slid to the ground against the wall. The rain blowing into the corridor drenched her as she gripped her phone and bit her

after she hung

what, why had she suddenly changed her mind today? Her voice sounded

at the heavy rain, Ethan walked

him with the babies in her arms. When she saw him walking away quickly,

She still

marriage. He had expected to see the dining table

autumn. Night had fallen although it was only 6

she wouldn’t leave wilted flowers sitting on the table, so there

most likely been taking care of her father at the

The expression on his handsome face was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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