Marina wore a white cashmere coat. Her white pearl earrings made her look gentle and charismatic. Just the shawl around her neck was already worth more than a thousand dollars.

The salesperson went up to her and greeted her at once.

“Mrs. Miller, is Mr. Miller not here today to pick out jewelry with you? There are some new arrivals. Each one of them would suit you great, Mrs. Miller. The emerald piece you asked me to reserve for you is here. Try it on later. I’m sure it would suit your complexion very well.”

The salesperson punctuated almost every sentence with “Mrs. Miller” just to butter Marina up even though she and Ethan weren’t legally married yet. Marina looked at Olivia with a smile and a proud look in her eyes that showed off her victory.

Everyone knew that Ethan treated her like the most precious treasure, but they did not know that Olivia was his legally married wife.

Olivia clenched her hands into fists. Why did she have to bump into the person she least wanted to see in her most embarrassing moment?

Marina said mildly, “You’ll lose a lot of money trading in a good quality ring like that.”

Olivia reached out and snatched the box away with a steely expression. “I’m not selling it anymore,” she said.

“No? What a real shame. I like that ring pretty much. I was even planning to offer you a higher price for it since we know each other. Weren’t you in a rush for money, Ms. Fordham?”

Olivia’s hand stiffened. Yes, she was in need of money, very desperately too. That was why Marina was insulting her so relentlessly.

The salesperson advised her. “Miss, this is the fiancée of the Miller Group’s president. You’re very lucky that your ring struck her fancy. She’ll surely pay you a good price for it, and you won’t have to wait for us to complete the procedures before you get your money.”

that she would never divorce Ethan and asked her to give up. In just a year, everybody,


said, “Ms. Fordham, why don’t you name a

disgusted Olivia. She said coldly,

tell me that you still care about dignity. If I were you, I would sell

of their things has made you think you really

ring flew out of the box in a graceful arc and fell to the floor with a soft clink. Olivia immediately rushed toward it, but the ring rolled to a stop by a pair of elegant leather shoes by the

of her neck and sent chills through her. She looked up slowly into a pair of cold, emotionless

her head. The black wool coat he was

had been wearing a white shirt as he stood on the sunbathed field, but it was as if he had been standing right inside her heart. That image was branded in her mind

Her chin was sharp, and she looked thinner than she was three months ago. He

the ring, stopped in mid-air. While she was in a daze, Ethan expressionlessly raised his

design wasn’t exaggerated, but it had a unique style. There was

off except when she was showering. If it wasn’t because she was really in desperate need of money this time, she

what was a treasure in her eyes was just worthless rubbish to him. He

happened to be picking out jewelry when

cold expression betrayed no emotions. His icy gaze rested on Olivia while she tried her best to suppress

her tears and bit her lip to stop herself from crying. “Yes. Would you like

smirked mockingly and said, “I remember you telling me how important that ring is to you. I can see how sincere you were now. Anything that is disregarded by someone else

pain in her stomach. As the tumor grew, the

at the couple, who looked like a match made in heaven in their matching black and white coats under the bright lights. She suddenly lost the strength to explain

feelings had changed wouldn’t be bothered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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