Molly's pain subsided with Tatiana's comforting words. She quickly felt drowsy as she had eaten her fill.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Tatiana asked in a whisper, "How is she?"

Olivia shook her head. "She's safe now, but it'll be very hard for her to get pregnant."

"How... How could that be? She's still so young..." Tatiana was a woman too. She knew how painful it was for a woman to lose the ability to conceive a child.

"It has to do with the poison she was fed after she was born. The dosage was very small and wasn't enough to kill her instantly. Instead, it affected her body gradually.

"Then, she was washed away by the water unexpectedly. That was how she survived and wasn't poisoned to death.

"She crossed paths with the Kingstons after that. They spent quite a lot of money to nurse her back to health. She wouldn't have lived so many years otherwise."

Olivia sighed. "She had only begun to get slightly better. Her pregnancy took a lot out of her. It's unfortunate that she had to lose her baby in such a violent way. She's lucky to be alive.

"Don't worry, Grandma. I'll try my best to treat her since she's my patient. I'm not just doing this for the Heath family. I'm doing this because of my obligations as a doctor."

"Thank you."

Olivia looked at the time. "Aren't you leaving, Grandma?"

She had done all that she needed to do. She wanted to ask Tatiana to go home with her.

back first. I'll stay for

what kind of person Tatiana was. She might be a little manipulative at times, but she also had fierce maternal instincts,

up a

already asleep. Who would she put up a show


just returned from Carathia. She didn't even have time to recover from her jet lag before she was asked to

and Linus were in the corridor

and his

handed him a cigarette, but he didn't take it. In the past, he would already

hands in his pocket as he leaned on a pillar. A hint of loneliness flashed in his

change my mind no matter what you

mistaken. I'm not here for

looked toward the sky, and

is completely unforgivable. Even now, she's

it were anyone else, they could be lying, but not Linus.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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