Compared to her reunion with Louis, Olivia was more curious about how he found her.

She used an alias when they met. He only cared about his research and didn't care about it even

though he knew she was using a fake identity.

If he wanted to, he would've found her long ago. He wouldn't have taken so long to find her.

There could only be one reason. She had just revealed her true identity not long ago, and he came

knocking on her door.

Her original plan was to attract the person who tried to kill her years before to come out of hiding again.

That way, she could get closer to finding out who the mastermind was.

She didn't expect Louis to show up at her door before the assassins.

Someone had exposed her true identity to Louis. That would mean the person who wanted her dead

would be related to the Poison Hive!

Olivia joined the Poison Hive because she wanted to find this person. But Louis scared her into hiding

in the village.

She had no choice but to drop that plan.

Louis seemed happy. He didn't seem to mind her escape.

happy that his test subject was still

about what

know you did it for the baby. I

glossed over it casually. Olivia was not going to believe he put it behind her. She knew

Louis could be.

others. Some people would be vicious

Only he would do it for


anything else.

his research.

do experiments before. His projects included pregnant women and children.

she met

of them. They all ingested the same prescription as

they also managed to survive the process, only

waste. He

for analysis.

Olivia was surrounded by these test

student and his assistant.

so good at medicine, especially in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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