Olivia frowned as her expression grew cold.

"Are you threatening me?" "No.

I'm just stating a fact.

I went from a nobody that anyone could bully to the position I'm in today.

Do you know how much I sacrificed? "I would already be dead if I was a soft person.

So, you better listen when I'm talking to you calmly.

Or else, I can't guarantee I won't do something extreme." Her kids were her only weakness.

She raised her hand and slapped Wayne.

"T'll kill you if you dare lay a hand on my kids." Wayne grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Dr. Ophelia, I just love this viciousness of yours." Then, he tore off Olivia's mask.

"I prefer looking at this face of yours." It was a perfect face, a flawless work of art.

Wayne didn't understand how her abdomen could be so flat without any flab even though she had given birth to four children.

Even her figure looked like that of a youthful woman.

off? "You enjoy taking another man's sloppy seconds so much? You don't think I'm no longer pure?" Wayne pulled her out of the water and into his

wet, and they revealed the

Wayne noticed the kiss marks

were left

doing it last


he had already fallen

late for him to change his

the contrary, the kiss marks lit a fire

to make Olivia submit

to break away from

tried to throw him to the ground

movements were very

someone who started training when

but child's play to

able to

what kind of place I used to live in? "Back in my town, we learned how to kill

instinct now." Without these instincts, he would've

update by novelebookdotcom would never understand how hard the

force." Wayne was smiling, but there was a hint

he had prepared on the island, so she didn't dare to make

back, but it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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