The willow was a tree that stretched to the heavens while staying rooted in place, and its branches also connected the sky with the ground.

Willow's name was quite special, and it was quite rare these days.

Olivia explained, "Willow is born mute." Perhaps because they were both physically lacking, with Sean's failing legs and Willow unable to speak, Sean easily resonated with her.

"She's still so young.” Sean's gaze was filled with compassion as he looked at Willow.

After all, she was such a young child, but she had never spoken a word.

Willow smiled at him.

She couldn't speak, but her gaze was radiant and gentle.

She didn't look miserable at all.

She signed something.

Sean couldn't understand, so he looked at Olivia.

Olivia explained, "Willow said that even though she can't speak, she feels happy because she has her family who loves her." "Family..." Sean murmured as if he was thinking of something.

Olivia took a step forward.

“You look very tired, Mr.


You probably haven't had proper sleep in a long while.

“Sleep? I won't be able to." Sean

the hardest to endure." Aside from taking injections and pills, he never had

or pills over long

be useless trash that only relied on

then, his sleep quality had taken a turn

sleep all night, and his

ago, he even tried to end his own

said gently, "Don't worry,


some tricks to counter insomnia." "Can you? I heard from Avery that you're here to

to many doctors about my insomnia,

can do it?"

give it


of the effectiveness of my

to cure Sean's legs, but she never mentioned a

to treat his

would bring their daughter over? Olivia

like a relative who had come

driver said, "Why

have a

have been quite

for her help." “Alright, let's see what you

famous doctors have failed, so what can you

to have a comfortable environment to sleep in." Sean gave Reginald Lind, his

over and took Sean to his

failing legs, Sean lived on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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