Ethan knew what Olivia meant.

"Don't worry, Liv.

I've asked someone to look into it.

It's just that it's not going to be easy." After all, he was mainly influential and powerful in Arlandia.

Wielding his authority here was quite difficult.

Furthermore, Brandon had planned for this for many years.

It wouldn't be easy to track him down.

That was why David couldn't sleep lately.

The men he dispatched would end up missing.

There was no news as of today.

Ethan ended up fainting after kneeling for two days straight, but the Fordhams stood firm with their stance.

1 Sean coldly said, 'He should've died there." Troy agreed, "Bad guys tend to live longer than the good guys." David hummed in response.

"Throw him out.

What an eyesore." Olivia shut her eyes, feeling helpless.

like they wouldn't accept him for

the bed so that she

Ethan that much, approached

the money ready." "Let the show

as quickly as possible

on makeup to

He coughed.

it's only been two days, but

hold on." "Don't

not like it's my first

a big

you manage to gather

are things going

as I'm here, I'll make sure to secure Dad's company." He coughed

on you in the future." "You'll be fine, Avery." Despite that, she wished for him to die

Fordham Group would belong to her! Jacqueline had to admit that Avery had held on for

shares was settled, it would be time for her

Avery could notice the murderous intent

catch on to it in the past? There

be more precise, it was a war among the Fordham family

which used to be respected by

relatives didn't even try to

them respect and allowed them to wield so much power

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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