Chapter 266

She is so jealous!

She has never received such an honor!

How dazzling Aletta stood on the stage, she felt how dazzling!

At this time, the camera flickered and turned to the auditorium, and Gail saw the equally dazzling man at a glance.

Jason was there?

Gail’s movements froze.

heard from Jason since he was fired.

What Jason is doing, what is his daily schedule, she has no idea.

Now it seems that he went abroad with Aletta to receive the award together!

Thinking of this, resentment surged in Gail’s heart.

She couldn’t help but began to think back, had the two reconciled?

So you have no chance at all?

Gail was in a bad mood, and went to the liquor cabinet to open a bottle of wine in annoyance.

After several drinks in a row, her expression became more and more gloomy.

Why hasn’t Jason been able to see his goodness for so many years!

What the hell Aletta had drugged him!

Obviously she is the one beside him, the one who has always cared about him!

No, it’s not Jason’s fault, it’s the two bastards who got in the way….

Yes, that’s them!

If they hadn’t been blocking them all the time, I wouldn’t have been unable to enter the door of Hill Family! of a sudden, all the negative emotions and resentment of Gail surged up, and a dark thought arose in his heart.

It’s all the fault of those two bastards, if only they could disappear, it’s better to die!!!

a crazy smile appeared

mobile phone and contacted her

Let’s meet. I want to

couldn’t refuse Gail, so naturally he agreed without

Aletta met and chatted with senior industry

it was already the end of

is indispensable for entertainment, even if Aletta only licked her lips a

Calia knew that she was drunk, so she didn’t take her out for entertainment, and

leaving, she saw Alex and Jason and went to

had begun to become confused, and said without thinking, “I’ll

out to

knew Alex’s thoughts and

was cut off by another person beside

“Don’t bother Mr. Black, I’m staying in the same hotel as her, and I’ll just take her back.”

took Aletta’s other hand, not intending to let go.

at Jason and said coldly, “It’s not troublesome to

actions of the two of them, without thinking, she opened her mouth and said, “What do you

swishing gazes suddenly fell on Aletta.

didn’t understand, so she said to Alex, “I’ll go ‘with him, so you don’t have to make another trip… Teacher

was slightly stiff, and the corners of his mouth were instantly tensed, obviously feeling a little unhappy about this decision.

so cold, and there was still a hint of joy

expression, and said in a sharp voice,” Aletta, can

whole body seemed to have eaten explosives, and he

him like this for the first time, Aletta

just now dissipated

of Aletta, his eyebrows turned cold, and his voice was cold, “What are you

clouds, and his eyes were full of anger.

she was, Aletta gradually realized that the two of them. were

smoke, and a large amount of gunpowder smelled from the

like an enemy.

of this, Aletta couldn’t help being a

These two…

is going on?

she immediately

has a lot of experience, can naturally tell at a glance that the two see each

matter how hard you fight, true love depends on its own ability, so what is

stand it

to make a relief, “Stop arguing, Aletta and I will go back tonight, we haven’t seen

drove over, she simply pulled Aletta, stuffed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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