"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Wood," he says after a while, giving me a blinding smile. "It's a pleasure as well" I respond, shaking his hand. "And you can just call me Harper."

"Since that's out of the way, Christopher, Harper will be working beside you. I need her to learn a few things, so please show her everything there is to know," Gabriel says, pulling out attention to him. "Absolutely Boss"

He's about to turn, but then stops. "And please don't tell anyone she's my wife as yet. If anyone asks, just stay quiet." he adds, before rounding the desk and taking his seat.

Christopher's eyes shift from me to Gabriel. There was a look of confusion, but I couldn't clear it for him. We had agreed that until Gabriel's parents knew, we wouldn't announce of marriage.

"You can both leave" Gabriel told us in a distracted voice. His were on the documents in his hands, and we no longer existed for him.

"Come on, Harper," Christopher holds the door for me. "I can start by first giving you a tour of the departments, that way the other employees can meet you."

I step through the door and Christopher follows behind me. He starts walking and I follow in step.

"How long have you been Gabriel's P.A?" I ask out of curiosity.

If I am being honest, I am still a little bit surprised that Gabriel has a male secretary. If I were to guess correctly, then it wasn't his decision.

"About five months now" he replies. "The board hired me after-"

He keeps quiet, holding back as if afraid that he's going to offend me or something. Doesn't he realize that I know my husband?

"After he slept with the last one?" I finish for him in more of a statement than a question.

throat as if I've

I said is the truth. The board thought they could control Gabriel. I guess that's where me and Christopher

"I knew Gabriel long ago. I know

as he ushers me to the elevator. This one

finance department", Christopher smiles

All eyes turn to us and I spot one of the women from

start?" Christopher asks, while I'm trying my best

the attention is on me. It

I stammer the words while wishing that every single person could just mind their own damn business and stop

to lead me yet again when a man stopped

something I need you to check out" he said,

"Is it important?"

"Yes" he simply replied.

Christopher looked conflicted.

he asks, his

dare leave me. Instead, I smile and nod my head. They leave, and I'm left standing in the middle of the open space like a damn idiot... well, that's unti gorgeous woman

me up down, "Don't get used to it, you may be his flavor of the month, but that'll

shift to the blonde from earlier. I guess she couldn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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