He pushes the document across the counter. Taking it, I go through it. I'll have my lawyer check it out after, but it's always good to go through a contract yourself first. If there is one thing my brother taught me, it is that I should never sign anything I haven't read.

The basics we discussed were there. The contract would be valid for a minimum of two years. At the end of it, I would get Unity Venture and some alimony. Gabriel will also continue supporting Lilly. He also stated that he wanted Lilly recognized as his daughter, and her last name would be changed to Wood.

Those were the most important to me, so after reading and re-reading them, I put the papers down.

"Any complaints?" he asked, forwarding me a pen.

"No, but I'd like to add some stipulations." I stared at the pen, but didn't pick it up.

"What kind of stipulations?"

and that allowed you to get away with cheating on me. This one, as stated, will be publicly announced, and I'll be damned if I let you humiliate me in public by having mistresses. I also won't allow any embarrassment towards Lilly. She

His stare is intense, and his jaw is locked, but

Harper. What am I supposed to do?" he

if I so much as find out you cheated on me, I will cut off your cock and shove it so far up your ass

watch as he winces, but eventually he nods. I guess he's starting to see that I'm

you?" he asked after

my legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry." He released a sound that awfully sounded like a growl. He's

be a father. You were willing to use Lilly as a way to get me to do what you wanted, so you should be willing to be her dad. You will spend time with her, get

planned to be involved in her life, Harper. She's my daughter," he

I'd have to fight for him to agree. Quickly, I hid my shock. I didn't want him to see that he'd taken me by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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