Chapter 0425

[“Wife?” Milly repeats the words as if she I just can’t comprehend them.

“Did I stutter?” Gabriel asks with an edge to his tone.

The whole room was now silent. Everyone who had been murmuring and pointing at me was now staring at the ground.

I really didn’t need Gabriel fighting my battles for me. I’ve grown a long way from the insecure and timid girl that would allow people to walk all over her.

That being said, it doesn’t mean that I don’t like how he came to my defense.

Milly was trembling. Like full body shakes. Her body was still and fear was etched on her face. For the first time since I came to work here, she didn’t look like the arrogant woman I was used to.

With the way she carried herself, you would think that she owned the damn company. She bosses others around, she’s rude and malicious, always treating others especially women like they were I beneath her or something.

the other floors, but if I'm needed to, Milly is always there spouting nonsense and treating me

she was your wife,” She whispers,

air around Gabriel intensifies to an almost choking level. Did the stupid woman have a death wish? “Who the

intensity of his

his harsh tone and at the ) realization

stammered, the words barely leaving

Gabriel takes my hand and moves us to the middle of the room. My

were on us and I

introduction,” Gabriel’s voice resonates through the room. “This is my wife, Harper Wood.” He waits a few seconds for his words

have been saying. She’s my wife and I expect her to be treated in the same manner you would treat my family. Anything said against her is a direct insult to me, going against her is akin to going against me. No one and I mean no one is allowed to bully hero I swear you'll have me to deal with. Twill fuck your life so badly; you'll still be trying to piece it back together

a collective murmur of agreement, before silence

before turning his chilling stare to Milly. “As for you, who do


Wood,” she whispers in a brittle voice.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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