Chapter 0446

" I stay quiet as I watch him take off his coat, then tie, then socks. The rest of his clothes come off, until he’s left in nothing but his boxers. I watch him as he crosses the room and disappears into the bathroom. Seconds later, the shower \ turns on, and I pull my eyes from the door, and focus straight on. Not really seeing anything.

My mind wanders back to Emma.

I got my happy ending, but what about her? Should I even be calling it a happy ending when Rowan was hers in the beginning? Would they have been together had I let go? Would they have been happy? All these questions keep running through my head. All these doubts keep making me question my decision to stay with Rowan. I want everyone happy. I hate knowing that I got my happy ending

I while Emma and Calvin didn’t.

Maybe if I'd let go, Emma and Rowan "would have remained together. They would have remained in love. Then Calvin would have moved on and so would I.

have gotten

are you okay?” his voice pulls me from my

low on his hips, and that delicious V is visible for me to see. Water droplets run slowly down

me. One look at him, and

from his naked chest. “I'met Emma today, and we spent some

the mention of her name. No regret. No J) longing. No love. There was absolutely nothing. B “And that messed you up?” he comes and sits

would have been better had I just let go and walked away. Maybe I shouldn’t have come to find you

again. I ruined your life. I ruined her life. I ruined Calvin’s life. I just don’t know what to do.” He gets up and grabs me by my upper arm. I try wrenching myself from him, but he

life, Ava. You didn’t,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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