Chapter 0505

I pick up the last box and glance around my room. This room has been my sanctuary for the last two years.

It had been my room when I was still a small girl, but over the years I changed it as I grew to become a woman. The décor, the paint and the furniture. I changed everything to fit the woman I became.

This is the room I cried in when I first leamed that Rowan had slept with Ava... Years later, in this same room, I licked my wounds after realizing all the pain and hurt I caused.

It became my source of comfort. The one place I could run and hide. The one place I could break down with no one to witness me unravel. If the walls could talk, they'd say just how much they witnessed. The secrets I hid. The terrifying thoughts of ending it all.

Now though, I was leaving it behind. I know that I'll still be sleeping here on the occasions I spend the night at home, but for some reason it felt like I was saying goodbye to it. There was a kind of finality. As if finally, I was letting go of the memories from the last two years. It felt like I was ending a chapter.

"Are you ready?" Travis's voice breaks through my thoughts.

My eyes shift briefly to him before going back to my room. Maybe when I am more emotionally stable, I'll find time and come to change the décor again. This way I can get rid of the memories that were etched on the walls. You know, give the room a brand-new start because we both need it.

"Yes," I finally whisper.

Like I said, it feels weird. This is my home. This will always be my room no matter what... but it feels like I am saying goodbye to it.

I turn my back on it. Travis takes the box from me and walks out. I don't look behind me again, instead I follow him. We walk in silence until we get downstairs.

"My baby," Mom cries, tears playing on the edge of her eyes. It's as if they stubbornly refused to fall down. "Mom," I walk to her and pull her into a hug. "Why are you so emotional?"

again. I remember when we first

my father. It's been two years since he died. I still think of him. I still love him. That

miss him," I whisper, my voice thick


nod my head and


I twiddle my thumb. "Not by a long shot, but I have to do this. I have to make an effort

"You are right."

A bit jealous, but I don't mind it. I understand. They didn't hurt him

mom beams with excitement.

is a huge step for me. I am

in the back. Soon we are cruising in the streets heading to what will be my new

in his voice. I know how he feels. Our situations

that it kills him to know that Ava forgave Rowan and the entire Wood family, but she hasn't forgiven him and won't let him be a part of her life. She only

"She came to visit us a couple of weeks ago. She even talked with mom. That's progress. Give

two years. If she hasn't forgiven me yet, I doubt she'll ever will." His voice catches

ease his pain. I want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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