Chapter 0527

I pull myself up straight, my back ramrod, as I try to give myself some false bravado. I try to get the words out. To tell her that I am okay, but my tongue is heavy, and the words refuse to leave my mouth.

She gently pats my shoulders. "I understand. Go and take a seat. It looks like your son needs a shoulder to lean on right now. You can be each other's anchor."

I do the only thing I can. I nod my head before leaving. I get to Gunner and sit next to him before pulling him onto my lap. We hug each other, holding on to one another.

I don't know how long it is when I feel someone shaking me. I focus on the person only to find Ava staring at me. Her brows pulled down, her mouth turned down, and her eyes full of worry.

"We are all here," she mumbles softly before sitting next to me. "Is she still in surgery?"

"Yes," I croak out the word that feels to have been pulled from deep down.

"What happened?" Travis asks, holding their mother, who seems last in his hands.

maybe she's also remembering. So far, three of her family members have been in the hospital. One of them never came out alive, the other

Rowan and Gabriel's parents too. The only one missing is Molly. I wonder if anyone has informed her

in the garden when I heard Rex from across the street. She wanted to get him, but I insisted that I should get him. I didn't see the car. She pushed me out of the way, and she got hit

his back, trying to comfort him. Emma saved our son, but got hurt in the process. I don't know what to do with

brokenly, his pain shattering

seeing him like this. I hate seeing him broken. I hate seeing him blame himself. Seeing the broken look in his eyes

back of it. "It's not your fault and don't you ever

his head, but I can see it in his eyes. He is still blaming himself, and he'll continue doing that for

no one notices. No one cares when we are all so worried about Emma. We were all beginning to get agitated by

*Emma's family?"

what he had to say in case it's bad news. Let's be honest, doctors don't really know how to break off bad news to

would you mind taking Gunner to get a snack?" I request turning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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