Ex-Husband Wants Badly To Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 151: Do You Have to Talk to Me Like This?

Seeing this, Sharon guessed that Jameson must have warned the nurse not to let her use the phone.

"Forget it.Thank you." she said.

Sharon lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Outside the ward, Jacob asked, "Mr.Proctor, aren't you going in?"

Jameson withdrew his gaze and said coldly, "What am I doing in there? Hearing her scold me?"

Jacob whispered, "Mrs.Proctor is just being angry.When she feels better, you can..."

Jameson ignored his advice and asked, "Who was here today?"

"Master Proctor, Mr.Proctor, and Miss Beale were here, but none of them was allowed to come in.'' Ever since Sharon's operation was completed, they had sent people to take over the hospital.

The Proctors were shut out of the door.

Master Proctor was extremely angry when he was stopped outside.

However, he couldn't lose his temper here because the hospital was a public place.

He could only go back after being rejected.

Jameson sat on a chair outside the ward and said indifferently, "He must be eager to know what's going on here right now."

"Don't worry, Mr.Proctor.I've dealt with it."

But Jameson said, "Tip him off and ruin his hope for good."

"Copy that."

However, Master Proctor was a paranoid person, and he might not believe it.

They still needed to be fully prepared.

As soon as Jacob left, Jameson received a phone call from his subordinate, "Mr.Proctor, someone has barged in..."

Jameson was not surprised, "I see."

Then a burst of quick footsteps came from the corridor.

The next second, Martin appeared in front of him.

Seeing Jameson, Martin strode forward and punched him in the face with red eyes, "Jameson, why didn't you take care of Sharon?"

Jameson did not show any emotions.

wipe the blood from the corner

better than

anger, "Yes, it's my fault.If I had cared more about her back then, she wouldn't have married you and suffered

Martin all the

had no idea about how to deal with

don't you go somewhere else?

calmed down


if she had

opened the door and walked


voice, Sharon

to the window

a word of comfort and was about to

crying? I'm fine.I'll

and wiped away the

see.You should have a good rest.I'll stay here with

you where I am?"

in touch with you, and I didn't know what

"Where's Ruben? Does he know about

I didn't

thank Martin for me.I want



and closed the door for

door, Jameson


voice, "Since you're getting married,


he was only standing at the


nor did he dare to have any wild

saying that, Martin left without casting another

his lips and slowly

In the ward.

sitting for a while, Tiffany knew that Sharon

"Sharon, do you want some

few seconds, Sharon

the doctor and see what


Tiffany approached, "What?"

calmly, "I'm fine.You can go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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