Fall in Love with A Soldier

Chapter 7 Becoming Her Stepping-Stones

Elizabeth felt that she was really aggrieved!

After she finished packing her stuff, when she left the company, the team leader, Ray, kindly came over to comfort her.

"Elizabeth, I heard that the name of the new female boss is Snow Sue! Will she be your best friend?"

Before leaving, Ray whispered to her.

Elizabeth was startled and then she smiled indifferently, "It has nothing to do with me."

"Well, take care! Cheer up!" Ray grinned, clenching his fist to make a gesture “cheer up” for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth nodded and smiled slightly.

This moment was the most embarrassed time for her.

It was not easy for her to find a paid internship job, but she didn't expect it to end so soon.

Elizabeth looked back at the decoration company. Suddenly, she felt a bit sad.

It was where she officially entered the society and it was her first time to make money to support herself.

At the same time, Jasper camped in the deep forest and was still dealing with the enemy, regardless of his own injuries.

“Mistress only likes all high-end things, such as high-end cosmetics, jewelry, designer clothes, designer sachets, designer high heels!” --Butler Lau.

message sent by Butler Lau, Jasper couldn't

he judge

he seemed to fell in love with her. Who could he blame?

make money to support the

method will Eagle choose to smuggle next?"

his phone away. He pointed a river on the map, and decisively said, "He will definitely choose this


the judgment

planned to buy a special gift for Snow when this task was completely finished. So he asked

those luxury stuff, Jasper felt that he’d better give

for Snow and gave it to Snow. When Snow took the credit card, she was

wasn’t like an elegant young lady

movements, couldn't help but sneer.

of material girl didn't match Young

of LH City.

money like water. Everything

couldn’t really enjoy her current life! Elizabeth was just like a thorn

every possible means to force Elizabeth leaving LH

company, Elizabeth was depressed for a few days, and then cheered up to

companies heard her name, they all refused her. In the end, not only did she not find a job, but even the landlord threatened her to increase her rent when she went back to

to advance the rent. In desperation, she

a city center, as well

county. In order to get to her boyfriend’s university, she had to change the transportations three times. It took two and a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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