Fall in Love with A Soldier

Chapter 23 See Him Again

"I... my brother came and she didn’t take me to the hospital." Elizabeth smiled. She spoke bad words to that woman this morning, so she’d better spare her.

The words of the two women were different, and Hugo smiled unintelligibly.

Elizabeth looked at Hugo in amazement. She had to admit that this man was handsome when he smiled.

But, why was he laughing? Did she say something wrong?

Hugo understood what was going on, so he suddenly grabbed the box of condoms in Elizabeth’s hand.

"Which room does your brother live in?" Before Elizabeth could figure out what was the matter, Hugo asked.

Elizabeth thought for a moment and replied, “It seems that...502... "

"Nancy, come over." Hugo said to the receptionist.

The receptionist saw Hugo as if she had seen an emperor. She immediately stepped forward and asked respectfully, "Mr. Hugo... What can I do for you?”

"Take this box of condoms to Room 502." Before the receptionist could finish, Hugo handed her the condom.

Nancy was shocked, took the condom shyly and turned into the elevator.

When Elizabeth was baffling, she was held up by Hugo suddenly.

"I'll take you to the doctor." said Hugo.

Elizabeth froze. Looking at Hugo’s handsome side face, she inexplicably was touched.

This feeling...

How wonderful!

doctor saw the foot film of Elizabeth and said, "No bone was

it hurt for days?" Elizabeth asked tentatively. She was actually quite afraid of

slightly and then gave the medicine to

the hospital, Elizabeth took out her purse and handed two thousand yuan to Hugo,

only give you so much...

his eyes, the most valuable thing about

not like the pretentious women wearing heavy make-up around him. They only tried

hypocritical, in other words,

The girl's voice was sweet,

think I am coming

seem short of money, it's just... I don't want to owe you much, because

smiled and took the money in Elizabeth’s hand, “I

another three thousand yuan from his purse and handed it to

Hugo with a blank

first time to BJ City! I don't think you're much of a visiting relative, either, so I guess...You're supposed to be looking for a job. Now that your brother has a girlfriend, it doesn't seem right for you to live with your brother. Take the

under the tenth floor under his name had

brother had a girlfriend, so it was obvious that if she lived

right, he

that he could

not expect the man in front of her could see her so thoroughly. She took out her ID card from the wallet and handed

some money, then lend me ten thousand yuan. I'll give you an IOU, and you can collect the interest. I

you want ten thousand yuan for?"

have to rent another apartment. It's really awkward living with


nodded, “I am a


scratched the back of her head sheepishly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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