Chapter 475

“I know everything,” Elaina said indifferently. It was hard to tell her tone since they were on the phone.

Theodore wanted to ask what Elaina knew subconsciously, but then he suddenly thought of something. He could not help but tighten his grip on the phone. “About your biological family?”

Elaina answered yes. The reason she told Theodore this was because she wanted to hear something different from him or something she did not know.

This time, it was Theodore’s turn to be silent. This made Elaina a little confused. “Theodore, tell me everything you know.”

After another two minutes of silence, Theodore sighed and said helplessly, “I just knew that once you know you are adopted, you will definitely try to find the truth. I just did not expect you to be so fast.”

He thought that it would take a while for Elaina to know, but he was wrong. Elaina moved faster than he thought.

out everything. Dexter is always my grandfather. Also, you and

that. This was

he knew, but what he knew was actually similar to what Nitzan knew. Elaina did not

but ask, “Are you going back to the Gainsford

been paying attention to the Gainsford family. He knew that it was not as calm and peaceful as it seemed. The woman that Elaina’s father married was also not easy to deal with. If Elaina went

is still alive.” Although Nitzan said that there was little chance that her

had been hiring people to train her

not come to them, he would come to her sooner or

take control. Once everything was settled, she would visit her biological

expected it. “Don’t worry, I will be back

was worried about letting

Elaina did not refuse. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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