That night in Birmingham, another person’s heart was restless as well. The doorbell rang at the Gabriel villa.

When the servant heard the bell, she impatiently answered it. As soon as she opened the door, she covered her nose when she smelled a pungent smell of alcohol.

“Allie, welcome home.”

The maid had gotten used to Allie being drunk every night. She shouted a few times and called all the maids in the house downstairs. Then, they carried Allie, who was completely drunk, to the sofa together.

The bartender from the bar took Allie home that day, and it was the third time this week. The servant gave the bartender fifty bucks and let him go just like she used to do.

“If she goes to the bar tomorrow night, you can’t let her drink so much again. To be honest, I’m worried that something bad might happen to her if she comes home so late at night. After all, Allie’s getting married later and she needs to be safe and sound.”

The bartender nodded and said, “Please don’t worry. Even if she gets drunk again, 1 promise I’ll bring her back safely.”

It was a good opportunity to make money, so he wouldn’t let it go.

Just as the bartender left, the servant heard someone vomiting in the living room. Immediately afterward, the other servants all let out a gasp.

She instantly knew what kind of miserable chaos the living room would look like.

“Okay, stop screaming and move! Get her bath ready, prepare the antidote, and get a new carpet.”

Just as they fumbled around, they heard an exasperated voice from upstairs saying, “Allie, what’s wrong with you? Why did you drink so much again?”

“What’s going on, Allie? What are you doing? If your fiancé’s family knew

her mother was talking about. She staggered up from the couch, sobbing and then laughing. She said, “Oh, no, I don’t want to get married at all! Hey, why don’t you get married, mom? You can find me a

the face, and the crisp sound of the slap echoed through the

she held it up. She said angrily, “Allie, you’re crazy!

face and immediately looked less drunk. She said through gritted teeth, “You can hit




an indirect murderer, and I wouldn’t have trouble sleeping

Then, the servants

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?! Allie’s drunk now, so she’s talking nonsense. Don’t tell anyone what she

she yanked Allie by her shirt, staggered her to the second floor, and

to her

Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what you’re

to hell. Did you see that my dad left us all his fortune? But,

money was supposed to be ours in the first place! I was touched when he said in his will

a dull voice, “No! That’s not true! I know that you did it because you’re so greedy. You killed him because you wanted

of Shirley’s eyes as she closed them.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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