Chapter 270 She’s Just Betting

“So, you and Wayne are back together?” Peace asked while she was on a video call with Anna.

Peace appeared to be in good spirits and was looking forward to hearing the big gossip from Anna.

Wayne had moved into Anna’s bedroom since they had slept with each other that night

Since he didn’t have to go to work anymore, Wayne had more time to spend with Anna and drive her to and from work daily.

As a result, they were more intimate. Anna, however, was still unsure about their relationship.

She couldn’t figure it out on her own and wanted to seek advice from others. Peace, after all, was the only one who knew what was going on between them, which was why she turned to her for help.

“Actually, | think that’s perfectly fine. You and Wayne are already back together, so you don’t have to worry about it too much. His son is your son, and your daughter is his daughter. So, Anna, stop overthinking it.” Peace said patiently.

Anna, on the other hand, appeared unsure.

“But, to be honest, | always felt guilty that | was lying to him,” she replied.

Anna was aware that Wayne had treated her very well recently. He was willing to do anything to please her and even doted on Tammy very much.

That night, Anna would have resisted the temptation hadn’t she known that Wayne wanted to find Matthew’s birth mother.

It was the last bright day before the storm arrived for her. So, she desired to protect herself by doing so.

Anna reasoned that if Wayne discovered she was Matthew’s mother, she could pretend she didn’t know anything about it. Things would be simpler if that was the case.

mention the past to her

wanted to see if Wayne cared about

the truth before he finds out about it. If you’re

think about it.” With a frown, Anna

was going to confess to Wayne, she

the best time to

thought you were going to clean up the mess at your dad’s Group? Are those executives of your

meetings and only half of them have attended them. I’m going to hang up now, dear, because | have

on her chair and pinched her nose, feeling worried

rumors suggested. The Group was only in disarray because there was

Frank’s insurance money in the

shares were transferred to her mother after she died. Since

on the board, however, listened to

on the board, including Shirley. Furthermore, half of them were Shirley’s nephews and

Shirley’s third brother’s daughter, was the one who

of all three finance department heads. So, she anticipated that a tough

thoughts at the meeting when Rachel said, “What are you doing? Why do you want to fire the entire finance department? Are you attempting to fire the entire company, Anna Gabriel? Remember, you’re only the acting Chairman. The real

rich girls who had no understanding of finance and was best at throwing tantrums and

so she didn’t even bother to

“Although | am only acting Chairman, | can exercise the powers of that position. As long as | am in this position, you all must listen to me. The three finance department heads are getting old and have a lot of vested interests in the company. As a result, | don’t believe

“No, | don’t agree with you. Not only that, but

said, “So, let’s stop talking about it. I’m not going to argue with you about it; I’m just going to tell


none of the senior staff

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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