Ryan was so shocked that he almost couldn’t a single word.

When he noticed Anna’s suspicious expression, he could only nod and say, “Oh, yes, it’s my mother.”

Meanwhile, he thought, But /’m actually referring to YOU, Anna. Why can’t you see it?

“Oh, the dreaded Oedipus complex. You know, a lot of girls do mind their boyfriends have that complex. I’m going to the office now, bye.” Anna said as she reached for her bag.

“Let me walk you,” Ryan said as he stood up.

Anna waved her hand, and then pointed to the kitchen and said, “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that. Emily’s gone to get your pizza, hasn’t she? You should wait here for her. Don’t worry, | can walk out on my own.”

Anna then picked up her bag and walked out of the cafe.

Emily came back after a while. As she placed the steaming pizza on the table, the iron tray clattered against the table.

Emily asked, “Where’s your sister?”

Ryan said, “You scared the hell out of me! Can you not be so rude?”

Emily’s smile vanished as soon as Ryan said those words. She gave him a vicious glare before saying, “If you don’t want to eat it, then don’t! | can bring it home and feed it to my dog!”

“Oh my goodness! You’re so rude! It’s no surprise you’ve never had a boyfriend!”

“Don’t worry, you’re the very last man I’ll ever marry!”

Hearing that, Ryan froze, and then he remembered what Anna had just said to him. Then, he smiled and lowered his head.

Bewildered, Emily asked, “What are you laughing at?” Ryan kept his head down and ate his pizza without saying anything. However, he didn’t notice that Emily flushed when she looked at him.

Emily to get a

so good-looking? You’re far more attractive than those boys in my


straight to Andrew and asked, “How is this

finish all of the clothes, which | believe is a very short period of time. I’m concerned that if it’s rushed like that, the clothes will be subpar. As a result, we

send someone who is very knowledgeable about clothes?”

designers to keep an eye

to go there? You

make them more famous. So, Andrew and the

people to work in the factory twenty- four seven. We simply have

have already planned this, and she

to work out a shift schedule so the designers could work

Andrew as the most hard-working and meticulous employee in the company

as she was leaving Andrew’s office and reminded Anna that she had to attend a reception hosted


a date?” Anna asked, her gaze drawn to Mona. Mona paused before asking, “You’re planning to take Mr. Wright with you, aren’t

“Please do not take anything personally, but | just think a lot of people enjoy making fun of others. You are aware that Mr

Anna said,

silent for a few seconds as if she was considering how

no longer the Carousel Group’s CEO, but rather our Group’s treasurer. He will run into someone he knows if he attends this reception. You know, Mr. Wilson and his brother are all rivals of Mr. Wright. So, if he goes there, | believe he will be

to be as euphemistic as

the people in this circle were cruel. So, they would probably taunt Wayne if they saw

luck as he was now. As a result, Anna was concerned that he would be unable to handle the situation. “Thank you, I’ll

and said, “Great. You know, | was afraid you’d

you worked at the Gabriel Group?” Anna asked as they both

“It’s been five years.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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