Sylvia's POV: 

"Well, it's a good thing Shawn took the initiative to reject us himself," Yana said in relief.

"I agree entirely.Who knows I'd be assigned to be that disgusting playboy's mate?"I sighed and dragged my feet down the stairs.

"Oh, cheer up, honey.At least, Shawn is out of our worries now.That's a good thing!" Yana comforted me.

"Yeah, but is it bad that I don't think so highly of the mate bond anymore?" I frowned.

"I understand.But maybe it was just a fluke.Perhaps the second mate lined up for you by the Moon Goddess will be an excellent man."

"You think so? Oh, I hope you're right." I thought of the current situation I was in.

Considering that I was still trapped down here, who was I to expect some kind of magical love anyway? Yana must have sensed my emotions and decided to give me some space.

All I wanted was to seek justice for my mother.No matter what I had to face, may it be thorns and blood, I knew I had to forge on for my mother.

quite frankly, I didn't have an idea

overwhelmed me for a

for myself as

you! Have you just been

up a broom that leaned against the wall and tried to whack me with it.I dodged to the side

looking for you.Something's wrong with

her tracks and

you're going to suffer for

ceremony today.Get out of here and help with the preparations!

coming today, I got an idea.Maybe I could make an appeal to him.I hurried to the

me at the entrance, saying that slaves were not allowed to

so far away, several she-wolves who were going to

tyrant.One time, he took a female slave to bed and then tortured her to death that same

powerful, but very heartless.Even the lycan king couldn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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