Sylvia‘s POV: 

“Why don‘t you just tell Rufus that the head maid is belittling you?” Yana asked in confusion. 

I walked around the long corridor and paused. “If I complain to him, it will only make people look down on me even more.” 

“I don‘t think so. If they see that Rufus is protecting you, who will dare to bully you?” Yana said playfully. 

“It‘s not that simple.” I continued to walk forward aimlessly, feeling more and more depressed. 

Then I suddenly thought of something. “Haven‘t you ever wondered how that head maid knew my background?” Yana was stunned by my question. 

“Yes… You‘re right. How did she know?” 

“I‘m afraid that the news that I’m the daughter of a traitor has already spread all over the imperial palace. No matter how Rufus defends me, I‘m just a humiliating accessory in the eyes of others. And when I am no longer useful to him, I will be thrown away.” I smiled wryly as my heart had already sobered up. 

“What should we do then?” Yana asked anxiously.. 

“I don‘t want to go back to my old life, Yana. I want to survive here on my own.” 

“Whatever your decision is, I will support you. But wait! You have been walking for a while. Where are you going?”

 “I‘m going to the banquet,” I answered casually and lowered my head. 

how to

senses. It was only then that I realized that I had got lost. I

already slightly dark, and the wind was cold. The lights on both sides were dim, and the shadows of the trees under the eaves were swaying,giving off a sense of gloom. My heart tightened, and I got goose bumps on my arms, so I walked back. But the identical arched doors made me feel like

I heard Rufus‘ voice. I was so happy that I hurriedly ran in the direction where

“Rufus, I‘m here!”

I saw Rufus‘ tall figure, I instantly calmed

you been?” Rufus

and he pulled a

that I had caused him trouble again, so I lowered my head in embarrassment.

“I got lost.” 

above my head. I looked down at the hemline of my dress, not knowing what to say for a while.

I looked up at him in surprise. Wasn‘t he

“Nothing…” I

his hand “Let‘s go. Hold my

at the slender and beautiful hand in front of me, and finally pinched the corner of his sleeve. My face

already sent someone to investigate your mother‘s case and the witnesses who disappeared back then,” Rufus suddenly said. My eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

I didn‘t hold out much hope that Rufus would really

my own. I didn‘t expect him to act so fast. Rufus turned his head and looked

thing I‘m

it?” I asked, looking into

wraps for a while until we find out the truth,” Rufus whispered in my ear. I was stunned for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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