Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 35: Admission 

Sylvia‘s POV: 

Rufus and I stood together at the gate of the Royal Military School.I felt like I was dreaming.I discretely pinched my arm, trying to make sure it was real.

It hurt a lot, so this wasn‘t a dream at all.I stole a quick glance at Rufus, who was calmly talking to a subordinate of his.I was still at a disbelief.I never thought going to this royal school would ever be a possibility for me.

Not even when I had Rufus by my side.

After all, he was still famous for his coldness and indifference.

Even though he was my mate and had come to my rescue many times, I understood that our relationship was really nothing more than a mutual understanding that we needed each other.

"What are you waiting for? Let’s go."

Once his subordinate took off, Rufus reached one hand out to me and patted the top of my head with the other.

I came to my senses and followed him, my heart filled with indescribable joy.

The Royal Military School had been around for nearly a thousand years.

It could be seen in its architecture that looked even more ancient than some buildings in the imperial palace.

Although it looked less luxurious, it definitely looked more sacred.

At the center of the school grounds, there was a huge statue of a man holding a machine gun.

"Cornelius Duncan, the creator of the empire,"

Rufus explained, seeing that I was looking at the statue.

the statue was

carvings were so detailed that the skin and clothes of the statue looked soft and almost

it had been well–preserved for over hundreds of years was a testament to its

"Is he your ancestor?"

without thinking.I immediately thought my question was stupid the moment I heard

the same last

"Of course," replied Rufus.

could feel his gaze

foolishness, I averted

hurry up or we‘ll

Rufus and I finally arrived at

werewolves were inside

probably just finished the enrollment process and


usual, Rufus because the focus of the crowd right

attention too walking beside

the werewolves stared at me with

I realized that a number of them were also the students I had encountered at the school gate

saw me, they lowered their heads and whispered to each

some insulting things about

"Prince Rufus."

Rufus and wiped

seemed afraid of Rufus

enrolled in this school please," said Rufus straight to

grabbed my wrist and

dean looked at me in

"But Prince Rufus…"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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