Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 417 Devil Training

Sylvia’s POV:

In the afternoon, I attended Leonard’s class, as usual.

Title of the document

But my mind was still a mess. I had no idea how to tell Leonard that I was to leave on a mission.

My training suffered as a result.

Leonard, who could keenly sense that my mind was elsewhere, naturally got angry. He slammed me to the ground and muttered, “Get out of here if you don’t want to train. Don’t you dare waste my time.”

All the air got knocked out of my lungs, so I was f0rced to come to my senses. I quickly stood up and bowed apologetically. “I’m sorry. There’s just something that’s been bothering me.”

control your emotions. If you can’t hide what’s in your heart, you’ll be

I lowered my head humbly, wondering

He seemed to sense that I had something to say, so he stood quietly in front of me, waiting for

that I had to leave in a

Blair. I just said that I needed to go on this mission

had previously begged Leonard to give me a chance and promised him

I was breaking

silent. After a long while, he finally sighed and asked, “Was this what was distracting

“I’m afraid I’ve

I flinched and stepped back instinctively, thinking that he

girl, do what you need to do. You’re still

b*ody went stiff, ready to spring into action if need be. I didn’t dare to move for fear that this

I had high expectations for you.” Leonard withdrew his hand and sighed. “I honestly think that you will surp@ssme someday. So,

you say that? You talk as though we’ll never see each other

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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