Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 419 Release Your Nature

Sylvia’s POV:

When I approached, the giant wolf nodded coldly at me. I knew from the get-go this was Leonard’s wolf form.

Title of the document

He pawed the ground with his forelimb and eyed me meaningfully.

I figured he was trying to tell me to turn into my wolf form.

Under his watchful eyes, I turned into a wolf. As soon as I transformed, I couldn’t help but stretch my claws out and shake the fur on my b*ody. It had been a while since I had turned into a wolf, and I wanted a good stretch.

All of a sudden, I had the sudden impulse to scream. I suppressed the impulse and stead*ied myself carefully.

Only then did I find that the giant wolf was staring at the top of my head expressionlessly, which made Yana and I feel extremely uneasy.

aggrieved. “We’re both white wolves dotted with red hair. But why does it look so good


compare it to before…” Yana whispered anxiously. “Now

that, Yana. Although you have similar hair colors, your styles are different. He’s handsome, while you’re

being called “cute”, Yana cheered up instantly. “You’re right! Our styles are

forbidden forest. His

the giant wolf, trotting

while until it was well into the periphery of the forbidden forest. It turned its head to look at Yana, and then suddenly sprinted away. It

Even Leonard’s wolf liked to take others by surprise. But I was confident in Yana. Back in school,

haven’t run in a forest for a long

take long before the giant

a thin streak of lightning. However, it wasn’t

Yana shrieked, completely out of breath. “Compared

it read Yana’s mind, the giant wolf gradually slowed down. Seeing this, Yana exerted

close, the giant wolf turned its head and gave her a contemptuous look. The next second, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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