Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 455 Fawn Over Her

Sylvia’s POV:

After slapping him, I returned to my human form and pressed the giant silver wolf under my b*ody. The giant wolf was listless and lowered his ears humbly, letting me do whatever I wanted to him.

Title of the document

He swept his big tail on the floor and then wrapped it around my waist affectionately. I looked at him unhappily and bit down on his ear—hard. The giant wolf let out a light cry, and his big tail tightened the grip around me.

Finally, I patted the wolf’s tail and said calmly, “Let go of me. I’m going to get off.”

The big tail slowly unraveled and lay on the floor lifelessly. Now that I had vented my anger, I felt calm. I sat up and said flatly, “You can explain now.”

Rufus turned into his human form and sat up. His hair was in a mess, and there were several teeth marks on his chin. His clothes were also disheveled and torn.

ran his fingers through my hair helplessly and sighed. “I’m glad

snorted, “I have to listen to

like a spoiled brat. Irked but helpless, I sat in his arms and waited for him to explain. When he reached the part where he mistook Ashley for me, I began

anyone else for you,” I

took my hand. “Ashley’s a vampire, remember? Her special power is to create

what the sold*iers had said back at the

werewolves from this pack mentioned that Ashley’s special power hadn’t been awakened yet. If Geoffrey had

about her special power and had only sent her to seduce me. Or

have escaped with her special power, but she had decided

difficulty that she’d choose this life

tears looked genuine, and she seemed to see

of this, I looked down at Rufus’ strong arm, which Ashley had touched. Rufus noticed my

“What’s wrong?”

she touch?” I asked him in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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