Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 472 The Peace Agreement

Sylvia’s POV:

Felix’s words seemed absurd. I couldn’t understand what he meant. ‘Since when did werewolves have to submit to vampires?’ •

Title of the document

“Is your sister Alva? Isn’t she safe inside the wall?”

Felix’s eyes widened in shock. “How did you know Alva? Did you go to see her?”

when I walked past the orphanage. She is a lovely girl,” I said

stared at me vigilantly. “What’s your purpose? Why are you

truth first so that we’ll have an idea about where to begin.” I wanted Felix to trust me. If he was still reluctant to let his guard down, I would have to

He pulled me to a safe place and said, “What do you want to know? Hurry

of deal

of Geoffrey, hatred flashed across Felix’s face. “A long time ago, Geoffrey and the vampires had reached a mutual nonaggression pact. The price was that the werewolves outside the wall, like me, would have to participate in the

inside the wall live a happy life at the cost of our lives. They lead a peaceful, wealthy life with abundant resources. However, the

answer enraged me. “That

“Our lives mean nothing to them. Beasts in human skin are the real monsters. Although it’s an unfair deal, the werewolves inside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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