Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 494 Sticky Situation

Flora’s POV:

Warren and I were itching to take action once we received the task from Rufus.

Title of the document

As usual, Warren walked me back to my accommodation. I walked in front of him calmly and listened to his incessant nagging.

On the way there, we ran into Harry and John. The two of them had the same hairstyle, which was, in a word, messy.

Lately, John had stuck to Harry like glue. It seemed that he was going to be assimilated by Harry.

With a slice of pizza in his mouth, Harry rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Warren and me in surprise. “Have you two reconciled?”

I wanted to hit him on the head, but I gave up on second thought. Warren and I were about to embark on a mission together. We needed to put aside any personal grudges first.

knowing how to respond, I grabbed the other slice of pizza from Harry’s

And where’d you two go this morning? I didn’t see you. Did you go on a secret mission without

on the pizza I was eating and

Harry put two and two together. “You’re hiding something from me! You don’t love me anymore. You used to take me with you wherever you went, but now you have the audacity to hide things

the mouthful of pizza and looked for an excuse to get out of this sticky situation. “We got up at five o’clock in the

no thanks.” Harry’s eyelashes fluttered guiltily. “I can cheer

lips in

I are going on a sudden mission to the suburbs. What about you guys?” Harry

and said, “We

yours. We have to stay in here to catch all the fleeing poultry,” Warren lied through his

task! But it sounds worse than going

yes, I envy you,” I echoed

I still want to be with you. We’re a team! We shouldn’t be

conjoined twins,” I retorted


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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