Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 1269 The Peaceful Forbidden Forest

(Crystal’s POV)

“Why did you say that, Baby Beryl?” I asked Beryl softly, feeling a little nervous. How could such a young child have such a deep understanding of human nature? Her words were truly strange.

I knew my daughter well. She was an innocent and naive girl who rarely came into contact with the dark side of humanity, let alone talked about human nature.

“I don’t know. I might have recalled it from some cartoon I watched. Mommy, I’m going to sleep. Good night.” Beryl yawned, curled herself into a comfortable position in my arms, and shut her eyes again.

I fell into a trance and quietly gazed at the little girl in my arms for a long time.

Title of the document

When her breathing finally steadied, I reached out and gently stroked her face. It felt familiar, and even her breath felt familiar. This little girl was indeed my child.

But why did everything about her feel strange?

awake, so I got out of bed and tiptoed out

was still waiting for

to sleep?” I asked in an astonished

guessed you wouldn’t be able to sleep.” Rufus grabbed my hand with a smile and


into his arms. “Since you can’t fall asleep,

wasn’t very late. The palace was well-lit and fireworks were being set


Do you need me to slow down?” He was always

head and wrapped the scarf more snugly around my neck.

relieved Rufus and he resumed

with Beryl?” I suddenly

replying, “Yes. After all, Beryl has stayed with me for a

instinct was always right. If even he felt that something was wrong, then something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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