“He’s just upstairs!” replied Connor before dashing towards the staircase.

When he reached the second floor, he stood outside a private suite. He then mustered his courage and knocked on the door.

Luckily for him, the door was quickly opened. When Jackson stuck his head out and spotted the little boy outside, he blinked in astonishment. “Hey, aren’t you…”

“Hello! I’m looking for that man.” Connor glanced past him and stared at Shane, who was sitting in the suite.

Shane raised his eyebrow. “You’re looking for me?”

“Can you do me a favor?” Connor smiled earnestly.

He stood up and walked over. “What favor?”

“Can you pretend to be our Daddy? We’re playing a game, and we need one more person,” asked Connor as he stared at him eagerly.

Shane was stunned. “Your Daddy?”

He never expected this little child to ask him for such a favor.


“Yes!” Connor nodded vigorously.

Jackson whistled teasingly. “Shane, just go with him. Anyway, didn’t you suspect that…”

“Shut up!” Shane scolded him again.

became gentler. “If I pretend to be your Daddy, won’t

even know where my Daddy is,” mumbled Connor

did you say?” Shane did not hear

a chance to refuse,

his excited expression, a complex look flashed

have detested it if a child acted so boldly. In fact, he would have scolded the child and

reason, he could not seem to

he did not even want to fling his hand away from

just like that, Shane was forcefully dragged to

over!” Connor yelled at Natalie

quickly whirled around. When she saw the man whom Connor had brought over, her eyes widened in

“Mr. Shane?”

had also

She nodded awkwardly. “Yeah.”

expected his son to bring Shane over as his

know him?” asked Connor curiously as he

staring at Shane intensely as if she had discovered something shocking. All

and apologized,

the little girl said to him. Instead,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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