Chapter 1410 A Tool To Relieve Your Boredom

“Bye, Mommy!” Sharon waved her chubby hands. Connor gazed at Natalie. “Mommy, we’ll miss you.” “I’ll miss you, too.” Natalie crouched down and patted their cheeks adoringly.

She wouldn’t leave her kids if it wasn’t for her career. Natalie wanted a successful career. She refused to let her life revolve around her husband and her kids just like the other wealthy wives and lose her self-identity.

Fortunately, her husband and kids understood and supported her. Even though she had a tough past, she got to lead a blissful life after marrying Shane. After giving each of the kids a kiss, she stood up and glanced at Shane. “Darling, I’m going to leave now.”

Shane pursed his lips and said nothing. He pulled her into his arms and gave her a tight hug. “I’ve arranged a villa, housekeeper, and bodyguards for you there. Even so, I hope you can take good care of yourself,” he whispered in her ear.

“Don’t worry,” Natalie assured him. “I’ll certainly take good care of myself.

“Mm.” Shane stroked her hair and released her. “You should go now. Remember to call me after you arrive.”

“Okay. Bye now.” Natalie’s eyes reddened as she stared at him. Standing on tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his lips before leaving with her luggage.

to the departure gate, two bodyguards

Mommy!” the kids yelled

tracks. Suddenly, she felt

of turning back, she took a deep breath

that she would end up staying

after. Six hours later, she arrived

as she

then, one bodyguard told her,

pointed at a lady not far

and saw Lina.

Flinging her arms around Natalie, she said excitedly, “Nat, we finally meet again! The last time we met was

last met

to meet each other after Natalie

a curt nod. “Yes. We

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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